From: "Mrs.Paullettep Hiroko" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2016 18:33:49 +0100
Subject: My Beloved One.
>From Mrs.Paullettep Hiroko
Hello My Beloved One.
How are you doing, greeting to you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, I hope your ministry is going on well by the grace of God, I know it may surprise you to receive this kind of sensitive message from a stranger notwithstanding, I humbly ask you to please give me your attention, listen and hear my voice, My name is Mrs.Paullettep Hiroko from Benghazi Libya. I am married to Late Mr. Khaled Hiroko who worked as Libyan diplomatic personnel in Ivory Coast (Cote D'ivoire) for a period of 18 years before he died after a brief illness on the 14TH day of April 2013.
We were married for 26 years without any child because my late husband were facing a low sperm count challenges and myself I am having a fibroid, we suffered infertility frustrations throughout our married life, though since his death I decided not to remarry due to my religious beliefs.
The main reason I'm contacting you is because I would like to donate our valuable items to the poor and needy,Churches, Mosques,charity homes,ETC, I will need your assistance to help me to distribute the valuable items to the poor and needy because I am not physically fit to do it by myself due to my health condition as I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and my doctors has revealed to me that I have 50/50 chance of survival, in fact they made me to understand that I would not last for the Next Six months,and when my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$ 20.5M (Twenty Million Five Hundred Thousand United States dollars) including (250 KG AU gold dust ) he deposited the valuable items with a private security and finance company/Bank and presently the valuable items are still at the custody of the security and finance company in London UK, having known my condition I have decided to repent and give my life to Christ as my personal lord and savior and to don
ate the valuable items to the poo
I want you to assist me to distribute the wealth to Churches, Mosques, Charity organization, orphanages, widows and other people that are in need, l took this strange decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this wealth, moreover, my relatives are not close to me since I develop this cancer problem and it had been their wish to see me dead in order to inherit our wealth since we have no child, these people are not worthy of this inheritance and that is why I am taking this strange decision.Please note that I don't need any telephone communication, because the doctors seriously warned that since my health condition has worsened that I can't stage any communication of any kind on the telephone.
As soon as I receive your reply I will give you more details and guide lines on how to go about this project and the contact officer of the private security and finance company
I also want you to always put me in prayer. Any delay in your reply may give me room to look for another good person for this same purpose.
Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein.
Hoping to receive your response soonest.
Thanks and Remain blessed.
Yours sister in the Lord,
Mrs.Paullettep Hiroko
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