From: "Mr. Edward Monigud" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 15:17:57 +0000
Subject: Unclaimed Inheritance Funds.
Dear Sir,
I am Mr. Edward Monigud; I work with a reputable financial institution in=
Kenya as an Account Officer in the Treasury/Credit Control Unit. I was man=
dated to look for a Customer who died some years back in Westgate shopping =
mall attack by Al-Shabaab terror attack, on 23rd September 2013 to enable =
his family claim his inheritance funds. You can check the below link for co=
After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last nam=
e over the Internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted y=
ou, I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the assets and Capital v=
alued at =A312,540,000.00 Million pounds (Twelve Million, Five Hundred and =
Forty Thousand Pounds Only) left behind by my client before they get confis=
cated or declared unserviceable by the share holders of this Financial Inst=
itution, so that they can share his funds as dividends amongst themselves.
The Bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the acc=
ount confiscated within the next fourteen official working days, because as=
at the time of his demise I was his accounting officer, but have since bee=
n promoted to the position of Treasury/Credit Control Unit, ever since I ha=
ve been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for some time now, I seek yo=
ur consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased so that the pr=
oceeds of his account can be paid to you, it does not matter if you are dir=
ect or indirect relative. Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, =
we shall then discuss modalities for transfer.
As soon as I receive an acknowledgment of your acceptance, I will furnish =
you with the necessary modalities of the transaction. I assure you that thi=
s transaction is 100% risk free, and as soon as we succeed in getting this =
funds to your account, The money will be shared on a 50, 50 basis..........=
..... I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement=
that will protect you from any breach of the law.
I am waiting to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Edward Monigud