Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:23:37 +0000
Subject: Hellooooooooooo..................
Dear Friend. I'm Musa Ibrahimovic, a Banker at SWED BANK PLC located in Sto=
ckholm Sweden. I am contacting you after going through your profile on Face=
book in regards to a deceased Senegalese client of mine who died in Sweden =
on July 2011; he was a prominent client of mine who happens to share the sa=
me SURNAME with you. Before his death, my client deposited USD $ 14,000,000=
=2E00 (fourteen million USD) at a financial institution here in Sweden, doc=
umentations regarding these transaction indicates that claims can only be m=
ade by his relatives/family member. Since you have the same surname, you ar=
e eligible for this claim. All efforts I've made revealed no link to any of=
his family member. However, because of the international financial crises,=
a lot of reforms has been made within the Swedish Financial system; this i=
ncludes the new law on succession/claims which indicates a duration in whic=
h such inheritance could be tolerated. The financial institution has mandat=
ed me to present the next of kin or a relative who will claim the funds. Fa=
ilure to respond to this ultimatum would legally allow the financial instit=
ution to report such funds to Sveriges Riksbank which could be confiscated =
as unclaimed estate ( And eventually go straight to the Government's pocket=
) I have put in place all necessary requirements concerning the release of =
this funds and it is my intention to introduce this opportunity to you as t=
he beneficiary. Please note that I am legally equipped with all the necessa=
ry information/documentations concerning this fund. I have decided to conta=
ct you with this opportunity. Upon your acceptance to cooperate, I agreed t=
hat 40% of this money will be for you, 40% for me and 20% goes to any accep=
table charity organization in Sweden or Uk. For security and confidential r=
easons; I strongly advise that you firstly contact me via email or fax, imm=
ediately you get in touch with me with your contact details Full Names Nati=
onality/country of Resident Occupation Age Phone No I would be able to info=
rm you on more details and next step. In conclusion, it's my utmost concern=
to demand your ultimate honesty, co-operation and confidentiality. I GUARA=
NTEE that this process would be executed under a legitimate arrangement tha=
t would legally protect you from any breach of law. Thanks as I look forwar=
d to hear from you on my email address at Email for =
quick respond.
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