From: Peou Sann <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2016 14:21:24 +0200
Subject: Wait your prompt response//..
Dear Friend, My name is Mr.Peou Sann, a seasoned Banker with FOREIGN TRADE =
BANK (Cambodia office), I am account officer to a deceased customer of our =
bank, a national of your country that shares the same last name as yours. T=
his deceased client of mine had heart-attack while driving along Siemreap o=
n a business trip and died on a ghastly motor accident on the 14th of Novem=
ber 2011. His heart condition was due to the death of all the members of hi=
s family in the tsunami disaster on the 26th December2004inSumatraIndonesia=
. during their hol=
iday there and his account of US$32,890,000.00 Million with us has been unc=
laimed due to unavailability of a next of kin/relatives to claim his estate=
. In accordance with the es-cheat laws in Cambodia as a kingdom, the board =
of directors of the Bank met forth night ago and resolved to turn the estat=
e of the deceased over to Government having waited for too long without the=
deceased relatives/next of kin surfacing property and if this is done, inv=
ariably, the funds will end up to become Government property and it is as a=
result of this that am moved to contact you considering the fact that you =
share almost the same name with the deceased. In view of this, am seeking y=
our cooperation and understanding to stand as the deceased next of kin to e=
nable us claim the inheritance before the period given by the Bank elapse. =
If you are interested and in agreement with me, get back to me quickly and =
I will send to you all our Bank contacts and the information's you may need=
to proceed without coming to Cambodia, and be rest assured that it is risk=
free project and the proceedings will be shared 40 once the fund are expat=
riated into your account anywhere in the world. Please reply immediately wi=
th your telephone and fax numbers for easy communication and oral discussio=
n. I shall wait for days and if I do not hear from you, I will look for ano=
ther person. Wait your prompt response immediately. Best Regards. Mr.Peou S=
ann Reply me here;