From: Mr John David Former Western Union Director <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2016 14:39:54 +0700
Subject: Attention Beneficiary
Welcome to Western Union Money Transfer office Cotonou Benin ADDRESS: 17, B=
ceived my previous email? Again I am Mr John David, the former Director of =
western union Republic of Benin, I came down here in Cotonou Benin Republic=
for an ECOWAS meeting and i was searching for some files that i left in th=
is office while i was working here, I found out that you have not received =
your fund amounted at $1.5 Million usd since last year 2015, and i asked Mr=
Anthony Robert what happened that you have not receive your fund and he sa=
id that you refused to pay the $100.00 to update your western union transfe=
r file before starting your transfer. I'm contacting you because the Direct=
or of the (IMF) International Monitory Fund here in Benin Republic said tha=
t they will divert all unclaimed funds including your funds to the Governme=
nt Treasury account ''BY THE ENDING OF THIS MONTH''just because that you do=
n't want to claim your funds since the 2015 till date. So I want to hear fr=
om you today so that I will know the reason why you rejected such amount of=
money $1.5million which will change your life just because of $100.00 I wa=
nt your urgent response as soon as you receive this email and explain to me=
the reason why you have abandon your funds because of $100.00. But if you =
don't need it then I can change your name successful to another person so t=
hat this Government will not claim this money but I know that you will not =
allow such thing to happen to you in your life. If you are finding it diffi=
cult to get the fee $100.00 immediately then you can go ahead and send the =
half fee which is $50.00 so that immediately you received your first paymen=
t $4,000 then you will send the balance of $50 back to us, Please my dear I=
want to help you in this finally opportunity to receive this fund because =
it was a big shock to me that you have not received your fund till date and=
I=2019m very sorry for that, you will receive your fund before the end of =
this meeting which will take us 3days and I will be here to monitor the tra=
nsaction until you receive your fund. As a matter of fact, your first payme=
nt of $4000.00 is ready for you to pick up at western union office now but =
still on hold until your transfer file is updated today as soon as you've s=
ent the fee. HERE IS YOUR FIRST PAYMENT BUT IS ON HOLD, Money Transfer Cont=
rol Number (M.T.C.N) **4-800-7632) Senders First Name: . . . . . . . . . . =
. . Raymond Senders Last Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . Thunder Amount sent:=
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4,000.00 Warning-- Do not go to western union=
store for the payment yet, till you send the payment of $100.00 or half $5=
0.00 today and get your file updated as instructed by (head office of weste=
rn union Benin republic) Or else you make yourself a fool and THIEF before =
your western union agent. Once you send the payment today I will get back t=
o you within 45 minutes after your transfer is updated with the Question an=
d answer for you to pick up your first payment immediately today, We advice=
you to use the below information of our accountant to send the money: Rece=
iver name: _ _ _ _ Nwa John Country: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Benin Republic City: _ _=
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cotonou Question: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ When? Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =
Today MTCN: Sender Name: Country: Be rest assured that everything will be f=
inalize the moment the $100 or half $50.00 is received from you today, you =
will start picking up your daily payment of $4000.00 immediately until the =
total amount of $1.5Million is completed. Thank you Best Regards Mr John Da=
vid Former Western Union Director Western Union Payment Department section =
X. office Republic of Benin