From: Mrs Christine Lagarde <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 09:14:23 +0100
Subject: Urgent Please
Attention: Beneficiary
I am sorry for my late response towards your unpaid fund which Dr. Kahn pl=
aced it ONHOLD when he was on sit before his resignation.
Firstly we introduce this commission, INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF),we=
fight cuber crime, Internet fraud, scam and money laundering in any part o=
f the world, Our commission has been in existences since 2002 and our duty =
is to stop internet fraud. We have over 7,500 of them in our jails around A=
frica and we are still looking for these internet fraudsters and we are awa=
re that a lot of foreigners have been deceived and huge amount of money has=
also been lost to this fraudsters after promising you percentages in their=
letters for you to help them move funds and they will end up demanding for=
money from you and in return you will get nothing.
The Leaders of the Africa Crime fighters,INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF)=
has come together to inform the world what is going on now and we have rec=
overed over $422 Million Dollars (Four Hundred and Twenty two Million Dolla=
rs) from the people we have apprehended. The reason we are writing you this=
letter is because your name was given to us by one of the fraudsters in ou=
r detention room after serious investigation and our aim is to refund all l=
ost fund to its legitimate owner.
However, It is my pleasure to inform you that i have your file on my desk =
as the new appointed IMF director and i will look forward to hearing from y=
ou soon for further question and information before releasing your fund to =
your designated bank account.
You can know more about me here:
I wish you and your family wondeful day
Your's Faithfully,
Mrs Christine Lagarde
Director, IMF
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