Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 02:20:09 +0000
Subject: Hellooooooooooo..................
Hello, I am pleased to receive your response to my mail and I hope to estab=
lish a true friendship with you. My name is Rose Mary Ibrahimovic from Lond=
on UK, I work as a senior marketer in a diamond company in London UK (Inved=
ia Industrial Diamond Plc). I contacted you because I need a trusted person=
who can handle the contract of supplying a product to my company. Firstly =
I want you to know that this project is for a serious minded person, So If =
it doesn't interest you kindly disregard it and delete this message for con=
fidential reasons. My company urgently need 1000 cartons of a local product=
called DIATOLLIN OIL, The product is used for cleaning Gold and Diamond st=
ones (The size of a bottle is 8.2cm, volume is 300ml and the packing is 6 b=
ottles in one carton). My boss normally buy each carton of this product for=
?3500 (Euro) until it became scarce in the Europe market. During my resear=
ch, I found a store in Senegal (Africa) that have this product in stock and=
they are selling a carton for only ?1500 but I didn't tell anyone about it=
because I want you to supply this product to my company at the initial cos=
t of ?3500 which my boss normal purchase it. There is no risk in this busin=
ess and you will not invest your money in this transaction because my boss =
will send you the money to supply this product. I have a good reputation in=
my company and I can assure you that this business will be successful. I w=
ill only introduce you to my boss as a reliable agent who can supply this p=
roduct and you will also tell my boss that you will supply the product for =
?3500 per carton because that is the price which my boss has budgeted. Belo=
w is how you will do the transaction after receiving payments to supply 100=
0 cartons in London UK: You will purchase the product from the store for ?1=
500 per carton You will be supplying the product to my company for ?3500 pe=
r carton Our profit in one carton is ?2000 (EURO) Our total profit in 1000 =
cartons will be ?2 Million, which You and Me will share 50/50 (Equal) I am =
revealing this information to you because I trust your personality and I al=
so believe that you can handle this transaction since there is no illegal a=
ctivities involved. Presently, I am writing you this mail from Estonia wher=
e I am representing my company in a program but my location doesn't matter =
since we can be communicating through this medium and phone too. Once you s=
how interest to handle this project, I will inform my boss that you are a r=
eliable agent who can supply this product to them so that he will contact y=
ou immediately. Meanwhile before we start this transaction, I would like to=
confirm your personal details e.g (Names..................................=
Nationality............................. Age..............................=
=2E........ Occupation........................... Photo....................=
=2E............... Phone number...................... I have attached my ph=
oto as a proof of authenticity towards this proposal and I hope to hear fro=
m you, Thanks. Best regards Rose Mary. Please contact me to my private emai=
l for quick respons Email Reply back via my email=
address ?for quick respond
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