From: "Sgt.Rigney James" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 08:33:02 -0300
Subject: My Subject..
Am Rigney James, a staff Sergent in the US Army presently serving in Afghanistan as a combat instructor, I sincerely apologize for intruding into your privacy, this might come as a surprise to you, but nothing is more distressing to me at this time as i find myself forced by events beyond my control, i have summoned courage to contact you.
Some money in various currencies where discovered in barrels at a farm house in the middle East during a rescue operation early 2003 in the Iraq War,and it was agreed by Staff Sergent Kenneth Buff and myself that some part of these money be shared between both of us, I was given a total of ($5 Million US Dollars) as my own share , I kept this money in a consignment for a long while with a security Company which i declared and deposit as my personal effects and it has been secured and protected for years now with the diplomatic Delivery Service.
Now, the WAR in Iraq is over, and all possible problems that could have emanated from the shared money has been totally cleaned up and all file closed, all what was discovered in the Middle East is no more discussed, am now ready to retire from active services by the end of this month, but, i need a trustworthy person that can help me take possession of this funds and keep it safe while i work on my relief letters to join you so that we could discuss possible business partnership together with the money.
But I tell you what! No compensation can make up for the risk we are taken with our lives.You can confirm the genuineness of the findings by clicking on this web site.
I found your contact particulars in an address journal,I'm seeking your kind assistance to move the sum of US$5 Million Dollars to you as far as I can be assured that the money will be safe in your care until I complete my service here in (AFGHANISTAN) before the end of the month.
The most important thing is; "Can I Trust you"?,As an officers on ACTIVE DUTY am not allowed access to money, therefore, i have declared the content of the consignment as personal effect that i would like to be delivered to a friend. You will be rewarded with 20% of this funds for your help, all that i required is your trust between us till the money get to you.If you have any reasons to reject this offer, please destroy this message, If you are willing to help please reply for further details.
Sgt.Rigney James