From: "Mrs.Vera Townsend" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 14:01:56 -0400
Subject: I am a living testimony
. Hi , You have to read this to amend your mistakes my dear, I am contactin=
g you because of the information I saw about your fund payment, this will b=
e of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been exp=
eriencing in regards to your long over due payment due to excessive demand =
for money from you by the non officials departments. I am Mrs. Vera Townsen=
d from Atlanta Ga USA. I am one of those who was a victim of fraud in the W=
est Africa Region, I have spent over 60.000.00 US Dollars trying to get my =
payment and all to no avail, not knowing I was dealing with the wrong peopl=
e. One day, I got an e-mail from a Man called Alexander David from Oregon i=
n USA telling me to stop dealing with people contacting me if any and conta=
ct an FBI Agent in Washington DC to receive my fund which I did by travelin=
g down to Washington DC, I was directed to meet the only elected payment FB=
I Agent in the country (USA) which happened to be the same FBI Agent that D=
avid told me about and I tabled my problem to him, Be hold he explained eve=
rything to me, he said that whoever contacting us through emails for ATM Ca=
rd, UPS, DHL and Cashier Check E.T.C are Fake. After, he took me to the pay=
ing bank for the claim of my Compensation payment, Right now I am the happi=
est woman on earth because I have received my long due compensation payment=
of $15M, Moreover the FBI Agent, showed me the full information=92s of tho=
se that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your email Address and =
your fund amount as one of the beneficiaries, that=92s why I decided to ema=
il you to stop dealing with those criminals contacting you, honestly they a=
re not with your fund, they are only making money out of you, I will advise=
you to stop any contact with them and contact the payment FBI Agent to cla=
im your fund with the following ( ) before =
it=92s too late. The only money I paid to received my fund was $435 usd for=
obtaining of your fund legal documents. Note: The $435 usd was the only mo=
ney i paid concerning this transaction God Bless you and remain bless I am =
a living testimony. Yours Truthfully Mrs.Vera Townsend