From: "Mark Okri" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 18:11:35 +0200
Subject: Re: Investment Proposal
Dear Esteemed Colleague ,
I am Mr. Mark Okri, an investment manager/financial consultant in Isle of Man England. Am contacting you based on a request by an investor who have interest for business investment partnership with you and we are ready to invest or fund/finance any of your business plans or projects that need funds. We represent the interests of very wealthy investors mainly from West, North Africa and Middle East.
This reserved group of individuals, whom our firm personally holding there asset instructed and approached us with a mandate to seek for a trusted firm or an individual such as yourself who has the experience and capacity to receive their assets and re-invest it into a good lucrative investment you will recommend. And we hope to become your long-term and reliable partner in business as long as you are willing to co-operation with us.
Kindly let us know your acceptance to this offer also you should furnish us with full comprehensive draft of your terms and condition. We are currently seeking means of expanding and relocating our business interest in the following sectors: Banking, Real Estate, Stock Speculation, Resort business, Mining, Transportation, Health sector and Tobacco, Aircraft, Shipping, Agriculture, Aquaculture projects, Oil and Gas, Energy Projects and so on. We also need to know about the area or idea of investment plans you are to propose. More so, we are ready to facilitate and fund any business that is capable of generating 10% annual return on investment (AROI). JV partnership and loan financing can also be considered. Once we are convinced on your capacity to handle these assets we will then provide you with all necessary information including the unmentioned amount involved.
Please treat as urgent.
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Mark Okri
Private Financial Consultant.
Mark Okri & Associates Ltd
Tel: +44 207 060 9011
Fax: +44 207 060 9012
Mobile: +44 744 870 6849 (24hrs)