From: "Mr. Michael Baker" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 17:10:56 +0100
LETTER OF COMPENSATION / SETTLEMENT. We hereby inform you que October of ou=
r records for the year investigation it is drawn to us que you have Been vi=
ctimized by the men of the underworld (Pretenders / impostors). However, th=
e management has been dutifully empowered by the Investigation bureau offic=
e of the The prime minister and Commanders of the Royal Thai Armed Forces o=
f Thailand to curb all illicittransaction and work load of this perpetrator=
s. In line with the Anti-corruption crusade of the Presidency, prime minist=
er Yingluck Shinawatran. You are by this Email notification to stop any con=
tact Regarding this illegal transaction with this Hoodlums.Out of our findi=
ngs, the image of this country Has Been dented Internationally During the p=
ast administration of the Kingdom of Thailand.Presently, we have employed t=
he strategy sanity toremit, and vow to terminate the activity of this fraud=
sters, by Consolidating our security Network all over the country in view t=
o monitor all outgoing and incoming communication enable us to fish out and=
avert all illegal and suspicious transaction Both domestically and interna=
tionally respectively. Moreover, it Occur que some of our Financial Institu=
tions (Bank) serves as a pipe condit by fraudsters use to whicht his perpet=
rate the undo crime.We have signal All These financial institutionsto scrut=
inized in Place investigation before carrying any bank found transaction.An=
y culpable of breaching the law, must have Their operational license revoke=
. In Accordance with the criminal and other related offense act 25 of 1999 =
constitution, we havebeen officially compel by Senator. Nikom Wairatpanij, =
Chairman, Senate committee on Foreign Affair to mapped October billions of =
Dollars from the Annual Budget to compensate all defrauded Victims the part=
of the ongoing National Reform Scheme of the presidency and means to radia=
te forcriticism immunity. In view of this, we Have Been informed That You a=
re still dealing with Those hoodlums in all your attempts to secure the rel=
ease of your fund.We wish to advise you que such an illegal act has tostop =
if you wish to receive your payment since we have Decided to bring a soluti=
on to yourproblem. Do be informed que we reserve the right at our discretio=
n to sue you for damage onrecognition of further Top contact with this peop=
le. By the strength of this development the sum of US $ 10.Million United S=
tates Dollars (USD $ 10,000,000.00) Has Been SIGNED to each Beneficiaries t=
o be paid. This Memorandum is to notify you That You Will Be Settled with t=
he sum of US $ 10.Million United States Dollars (US $ 10,000,000.00) / your=
Inheritance / contract or lotto payment. Kindly send the above information=
: 1. Your full name: 2. Your residential address: 3. Mobile and fax number =
(for regular official contact). These above-mentioned informations will off=
icially enable us to carry out of our verification processes and after your=
que compensation sum / Inheritance Funds will be approved in your name and=
Electronically wired into your designated Bank account or by ATM Card deli=
very to your doorstep., depending on Which mode of payment you prefer to re=
ceive your fund which delivery of atm card will cost you sum of $190usd and=
bank to bank wire transfer will cost you sum of $220usd so you are advise =
to choose the option that you prefer before we can provide next instruction=
on how you can make payment through western union or money gram. You are t=
o contact this office upon receipt of this notification immediately to proc=
eed for payment. Vision: To fight corruption to the stand still and restore=
Thailand to the enviable standard of respectability and dignity of the nat=
ions. Please do Respond back to us with this email. (mrmichaelbaker2015@yan= Or call Tel:+6662-464-1861. Best Regard, Hon. Michael Baker Chairm=
an ICPC Thailand. (Independent Corrupt Practice Commission, ICPC) manager P=
owered by Information Communication Technology Dept., (C) 2016 ICPC Thailan=
d, registered trademark.S