From: B.M.W<>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2016 15:23:11 -0600
Subject: BMW Automobile Company Promotion Department
Hi, Winner
We happily announce to you the draw of Americas International lottery progr=
am held in United States/Canada 2015. Your e-mail address attached to Onlin=
e Draw Number (ODN): 19 879 87 09 00 23, with Serial number: 111 098 45556 =
drew the winning number: 051-506-175-520-238-42 (Bonus67), which subsequent=
ly won you the lottery award in the 2nd category. Your email address has th=
erefore been approved to claim a total sum of $1,200,000.00 (One Million Tw=
o Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) credited to file KPC/9030108308/0=
3. This is from a total cash prize of $6,000,000.00 (Six Million United Sta=
tes Dollars) shared among the first 5 lucky winners in this category worldw=
ide. All participants were selected randomly from Worldwide Web site throug=
h computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000,00 companies and ind=
ividual email addresses. Be fully informed that your e-mail emerged as one =
of the winner of $1,200,000.00 (One Million Two Hundred Thousand United Sta=
tes Dollars) on our online draws which
We are proud to inform you about the final draw from Americas Lottery that =
was conducted from an exclusive list of 7,000,000 E-mails Address of indivi=
duals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer =
selector from the web. Your E-mail Address was selected among the 12 Lucky =
winners to benefits from this E-mail promo. Each and every E-mail owner is =
to benefit the Sum of $1,200,000.00 (One Million Two Hundred Thousand Unite=
d States Dollars) This program is been sponsored by BMW Group to alleviate =
poverty, create hope and self-believe to people around the world through th=
is online world E-mail award promotion. Please note that your e-mail addres=
s was randomly selected for the online version from worldwide web sites thr=
ough a computer drawn system extracted from over 100,000 companies globally=
and exclusive list of 7,000,000 E-mails Address of individuals. Please not=
e that your lucky winning number falls within our booklet representative of=
fice in United States as indicated
The BMW automobiles promotion board is a member-based organization to advan=
ce the interests of Email/Internet Users and to increase the social economi=
c standards of the society. Our vision is for the BMW Group to uphold the h=
ighest ethical principles, and to support our lucky winners in achieving th=
eir vision for their own communities.
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information conf=
idential till your winning is processed and your money remitted to you in w=
hichever way you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part of our precauti=
onary measure to avoid double claiming and abuse of this program by some un=
scrupulous elements.
The following lottery organizations have been granted accreditation by the =
World Lottery Association for the WLA Responsible Gaming Framework. Each or=
ganization has received certification for the framework level as per the re=
commendation of the Responsible Gaming Independent Assessment Panel, or as =
in the case of some European lotteries certified to the WLA RGF Level 4, ha=
s been granted accreditation by the World Lottery Association in accordance=
with its agreement with the European State Lottery and Toto Association.
E-mail Users Remember to quote your reference information in all correspond=
ence. You are to keep all lotto information away from the public especially=
your Online Draw Generated Number. This is important as a case of double c=
laims will not be entertained. Members of the affiliate agencies are automa=
tically not allowed to participate in this program.
You are hereby advised to reply with the following information below;
1: Full names (Surname First):
2: Residential address:
Postal code:
House Number:
3: Mobile number:
4: Fax number:
5: Occupation:
6: Gender:
7: Age/Date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY):
8: Nationality:
9: Lucky Email Address:
10: Online Draw Number (ODN): 19 879 87 09 00 23
11: Winning number: 051-506-175-520-238-42
12: Serial number: 111 098 45556
IDENTIFICATION : Send a Scan copy of any of the following International Pas=
sport, Country ID or Drivers License.
BMW AG ensures that all personal data will be dealt with in accordance with=
privacy protection regulations. With your permission, the data you supply =
in the verification form will be stored, processed and your personal data w=
ill be safeguard from the public
Upon your reply with the requested details and verification process complet=
ed we shall send you the contact information of our affiliated Funds Transf=
er Agency so that you can contact them immediately.
Thanks & Regards
BMW Claims Manager
Customer Relations:
Mr. Walter Zeichner
Year Ended 2015 BMW Lottery of North America