From: "DS & Holbert Associates"<>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2016 14:08:36 -0700
Subject: Dear Beneficiary (Treat as URGENT:)
Edward Lee
Dennis S. Holbert
DS & Holbert Associates
Dear Beneficiary,
Treat as URGENT:
Important Information. I am Dennis S. Holbert, a personal Attorney to Sir, Edward Lee, a British-Chinese Businessman and Philanthropist. It is sad to let you know that the Late Edward Lee, my former client confide in me to let me know of £6.8 Million British Pounds Sterling (GBP) in a Trustee Account here in the UK. But on the sad faithful day when victims of the AF4590 crash include all 109 people on board when the plane crashed into the Hotel issimo. CONFIRM FACT HERE with this link:
MR. EDWARD LEE has no children neither father nor mother as the beneficiary to his Will. The United Kingdom Government has notify me as the Attorney for claim of the money. I can not stand as the family members, neither do I want the money to be here in UK. We are particularly interested in securing this money from the Financial Institution, because they have issued a notice instructing us to provide the beneficiary of this Will within two weeks, which happens to be you or else the money will be credited to the Government Treasury in accordance to the Great Britain Act (Law): 17:56 Promulgated in 1999.
In these proceeding, I have no Legal Right (on the Jurisdiction) to remit or retain this money in my Bank Account because, it is against the Law of United Kingdom.
As a result of the ongoing internet difficulties and scam activities going on the internet this days, many people are scared and afraid when they received this type of email.
Note: This message is real. Feel free to contact me as I will provide all necessary legal documents.
No options rather to execute the directives by Great Britain Government. DS & Holbert Associates is a Law Firm here in London, United Kingdom.
In conclusion, I want you to stand as the next of kin to late Edward Lee. As soon as you receive the money in your Country, we shall share the money, you will take 30% of the money, while I will have 60% and 10% will be set aside for unforeseen expenses during the facilitation of the deal. If you are interested to be the next of kin; kindly reply to me as soon as possible so that we can start the processing of transferring the fund to your account.
Do let me know your suggestion on how you will receive the fund.
Note; That the British Financial Authority have given ultimatum that the money must be claimed as it was 15years ago and is over due. I wait to hear from you.
Dennis S. Holbert.
Principal Partner.