From: "Joe Modisen"<>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2016 10:56:43 -0700
Subject: From:Joe Modisen
Dear Sir/Madam! Peace be unto you, I know my mail might be a surprise to yo=
u but never mind because I am contacting you in good faith. However, accept=
my sincere apologies if it doesn't meet your personal ethics. In a brief i=
ntroduction, my name is Hon Joe Modisen,a personal lawyer to Late Engineer =
who died with his family in Automobile motor accident here in My Country fi=
ve years ago and left a huge amount of money in the bank here in my country=
($US 3.580,000.00 Million) in his personal bank account for our mutual ben=
efit? This money Belongs to My deceased client,a National of your Country W=
HO died in 30/ 10/ 2010 From My Numerous searches, I found out That the dec=
eased Bears the Same Surname with you, and That is the reason why I contact=
ed you to receive this money for our mutual benefit. If you are Willing to =
work with me to Receive this money, Kindly Get back to me through My Privat=
e Email ( as soon as Possible so That I can Give yo=
u more details About this transaction. The bank has issued me a notice to p=
rovide the next of kin, Please do reply with the following information for =
further clarifications. Look forward to hear from you as soon as possible i=
f you are willing to proceed with me. Respectfully, Hon.Vincent Johnson Esq=
. Email