Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2016 13:16:04 -0800
Subject: From Amir A. K
I am responding to your reply to my solicitation. Thank you so very
much for contacting me and for trusting me with your personal
information as I did request. I am hopeful you will earnestly take
this onerous responsibility with me and with all humility for our
mutual benefits.
For introduction; I am Amir Aydin Khanmammadov, a citizen of
Azerbaijan. I am 36 years old. I reside in Birmingham City in the
United Kingdom where I served a widow; Ms. Susan Orwell-Brown as a
live-in house keeper since I was 16 years old, until she passed on in
September 2010 at the age of 82 years.
I lost my father when I was age 4 and mother when I was 15.
Ms. Susan Orwell-Brown was like a mother to me. She was responsible
for my education till my High school. She had no child of her own. Her
husband Mr. Alf Brown passed on in year 2004 at the age of 84 years.
This is a confidential disclosure that I would want you uphold as much
as you can.
Barely a year prior to the demise of Ms. Brown, she handed to me a box
containing some expensive jewelries and documents. Among the documents
is a certificate issued by a bank in Belfast, here in United kingdom.
Content of the certificate shows a deposit of a reasonable amount of
money which I will discuss when I receive further from you.
I donât want the money to be lost to the bank. I am now contacting you
to join me in retrieving the fund from the bank. You would be
presented to the bank, through legal backing, as the custodian of the
fund ever introduced to me during my stay with Ms. Orwell-Brown. With
this done, the bank will only deal with you as the family
representative and the sole manager empowered to receive and manage
the fund.
This is the core information which I would want you understand and
consider imperative in taking this intent to a logical conclusion.
When I receive your response, I will disclose more information on how
we shall go about claiming the money and what I intend to do when we
have it. I have contacted an attorney for a guide. I'll let you know
what he advised on what to do and how to go doing it right.
I am waiting to read from you to discuss further.
Please keep this information in absolutely confidence to avoid giving
any chance for any other person to know about it to scuttle this
Thanking you for reading this mail and in anticipation of your
understanding and cooperation..
I am yours with regards,
Amir A. Khanmammadov