From: "Mr. Richard Paul" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2016 10:19:51 +0100
Subject: Attn: Consignment Box Owner.
Attn: Consignment Box Owner.
Sorry for this unexpected message to you. I am Richard Paul, a Security Man=
ager at the Dayton International Airport, Dayton Ohio, USA. During a recent=
routine check at all Security/Storage Units at the airport, I discovered a=
n abandoned shipment in your name coming from Nigeria which was on Transit =
to your city but was intercepted by the Dayton International Airport Securi=
ty for lack of proper clearance papers as the consignment was scanned and d=
iscovered to contain valuable cash between US$4.5Million US Dollars in esti=
mation that was not properly declared to the authorities since the tags on =
the consignment showed the item contains Personal Belongings/ Family Treasu=
res which is not in regulations to the delivery requirements by The Transpo=
rtation Security Administration (TSA) so in this regards, the consignment w=
as placed on hold until proper clearances are provided by a reliable Govern=
ment source. The details on the consignment are tagged as:
Wheels: 4 wheels
Handles: Trolley handle with top & side handles
Approximate Dimensions: Height: 3.20 ft, Width: 2.50 ft, Depth: 1.90 ft.
Weight: 180lbs.
However, be informed that the reason I have taken it upon myself as a Secur=
ity Manager at the Dayton International Airport to contact you personally a=
bout this abandoned shipment is because I am a GOD fearing man and i would =
not want you to loose your consignment box since the box has not yet been r=
eturned to the United states Treasury Department for further inspection aft=
er being abandoned by the shipper so immediately the confirmation is made, =
I will go ahead with all negotiations with the airport authorities for the =
release of the consignment box to me as your representative so I can arrang=
e for the delivery to your city since the encoded Tag on the Bill of entry =
for the consignment was declared as personal effect so the reconciliation o=
f Correct Manifest information as Valuable cash in the new Bill of entry is=
needed before the release can be implemented.
Lastly, to enable me confirm if you are the actual recipient of this consig=
nment Box, I will advise you get back to me as quick as possible and re-con=
firm your address so that i can be sured that the box is going to the right=
ful owner, also list the closest airport to you to enable me cross check if=
it corresponds with the address on the official documents including the no=
rmalization of your Bill of Entry and arrange for the box to be moved out o=
f this Airport to your address. Once we are through with this process.
Please confirm your information:
1.Full Names:
2.Home Address:
5.Your Cell Number/Home:
For confidentiality purposes,i will advise you to email my private email, f=
or quick processing and response to you, kindly send and confirm your detai=
ls to my private email account ( ) so we can act swi=
Richard Paul
Security/Inspection Manager
Dayton International Airport
3600 Terminal Dr, Dayton, OH 45377, United States.