From: "Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Philanthropic Foundation" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 16:23:58 -0000 (GMT)
Subject: Congratulations;you were chosen, Get in Touch for claimes
Peace Be unto you,
Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Philanthropic Foundation wishes to bring to
your notice,that your e-mail account have been selected and therefore you
are one among the beneficiary of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal GRANT.(2M USD).
His donation of $2,000,000 us dollars may not be much to you but we
believe it will go a long way to improving your standard of living.We
like you to fill the below and return back to our sole claimes Agent. Our
Organization will send a delegation to you after the claimes, to visit
after the donation gets to you.
Do this on time so you can contact the payout bank for further directives
to receive the Grant. .
Below is the details you need to fill and forward to Claimes Agent
personal email only at (
Direct Telephone
All response should be forward to this Email ONLY ( )
We do not want to ask you for your ID as we do not want to leave an
impression in your mind that we want to steal your identity). We do
hope that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over
there in your country. we will employ you to do what you can to
alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the
standard of living of as many people as you can because that is
the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.
May the Good lord bless your heart to be a blessing to your family and
your society as soon as this donation gets to you
Dr Michelle Tedge
For:Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Philanthropic Foundation