The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA
We the World Bank Auditors find it necessary to inform you today that a payment file was found in your name among the (78) bonefied creditors during our visitation here in New York America, on general financial annual auditing debt/transaction reconciliation for the year,2015/2016.
During the cause of the ongoing general annual auditing, we discovered an over flow funds in our financial computer data base system, in which after much careful verification on the over flow funds, we confirmed an accrued interest Sum U$2.500 000.00 yielded through long time Contract in Africa-Nigeria / Investment Project/ATM card and Inheritance payments under the world bank affiliates over the years, after dully deliberation on the interest funds by the bank board, we concluded to pay off the interest funds to the beneficiaries.
Based on that note, you are required to submit your full information such as your address and direct telephone number and also your payment option of how you prefer to receive your interest payment and to enable us process the amount U.S.D$2.500 000.00 due in your name upon the receipt of the above requirement, we shall process your accrued interest funds as soon as possible.
NB: your accrued interest payment release processing is legally protected from scam / fraud oppression with issuance of Anti-Scam Certificate; you will receive copy of the anti-scam through the appropriate authority, your accrued originated from World Bank mass assisted project funds, carefully audited. It comprises of transactions executed now and the past which the interest is reading unclaimed in your name.
Accept our congratulations while looking forward to have your sincere maximum response,
Best Regards
Dr Biagio Bossone
Director World Bank Accrued Interest Payment American office