Attn Beneficairy,
I am Mrs Robin Sanders, Former U.S.A Ambassador to Nigeria.
Reference to your entitlement fund and inline with the CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY'S APPLICATION dated 29th January 2016 and signed by Mrs. Glenda F. Ward with your purported authorization. This issue has
been carefully examined and we have declined Mrs. Ward's application as the application lacks regular signature. But Did you ever instruct Mrs Glenda Fay Ward to claim your fund worth US$7,000,000.00?
Below is the bank account information provided by Mrs Glenda F. Ward saying that you authorized her to claim your fund that you are terminally ill.
2. BANK ADDRESS: Kerrville Texas 78028 USA
3. ACCOUNT #: 3202650
4. ROUTING #: 114922443
If you had not authorized the change of your bank account in respect to your outstanding entitlement Payment, therefore notify me immediately as this development has caused a lot of discrepancies in
your payment file that is why we had to suspend your payment and contact you directly before approving your payment. You can be rest assured that I will do everything within my capacity to successfully actualize the quick transfer of your fund to any of your
nominated bank account.
Kindly get back to me as soon as possible so that I will direct you on what to do.
Sincerely Yours
Mrs Robin Sanders
Fmr US ambassador to Nigeria
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