Dear Friend ,
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family? How have you been? I hope this mail meets you in a perfect condition.
I am much delighted and privileged to contact you again, after this long time, it takes faith and courage to remember old friends and at the same time, to show gratitude to them despite circumstances that disrupted our transaction ultimately not working out as we projected then.
The good news is that I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Cayman Islands, I take this liberty to inform you that the transaction we were pursuing together finally worked out and I am contacting you to let you know the present situation.
I must inform you also that I am presently in Cayman Islands on business negotiations and establishment now. With a sincere heart, I have raised and signed an International Cashier's Bank Draft of $2,500,000.00 [Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars] only in your name as COMPENSATION for your dedication, humanity and contribution, as it were. I will be very busy here at the moment because of the investment projects that me and my new partner are having at hand.
As much as I thought, I kept the certified bank draft to a private finance/security company to hand over to you as soon as you make contact with them.
Contact the finance office director immediately you receive this message for further information on how to get your cheque, for I have conscience as a human being, I really appreciated your tremendous effort and contribution to make things workout in retrospect.
His name is: Mr. Bernard Hills.
His e-mail is:
Therefore, you should send him your full Name and telephone number/your address where you want him to send the draft to you.
He is waiting to hear from you so that he can ship the I.C.B.D to your Home or Office address as you may direct.
Your former business partner,
Mrs. Jessica Wilfred.