Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 02:24:30 -0500
Subject: Sub: Notification of Bequest
Sub: Notification of Bequest
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Dr Scott
Kennedy, I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter to you
through the Post Office was returned undelivered. I hereby attempt to
reach you via your e-mail address. I wish to notify you that late Dr
Scott Kennedy made you a beneficiary to his will.
He left the sum of Thirty One Million Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars (US$ 20,000,000.00) Cash in two security proof boxes
deposited with the security company here in United States of America to
you in the codicil and last testament to his will. Being a widely
traveled man, he must have been in contact with you in the past or
simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends abroad
who wished you good.
Late Dr Scott Kennedy until his death was an Ethical philosopher, former
managing director and pioneer staff of a giant construction company. He
was a very devoted Christian who loved to give out and devoted himself
to writing books. His great philanthropy earned him numerous awards
during his life time. Late Dr Scott Kennedy Will is now ready for
According to him this money is to support your personal endeavours and
to help the poor and the needy. Please If I reach you as I am hopeful;
endeavour to get back to me as soon as possible to enable the immediate
execution of your portion of the bequest to enable earlier disbursement
by the administrator. Please note that the said fund is deposited with
Security Company here in United States of America. In respect of that
bee informed that I will personally deliver the fund boxes to you which
is coming on 2 security proof boxes. The boxes are sealed with synthetic
nylon seal and padded with machine. Please you don't have to worry for
anything as the transaction is 100% risk free because I will accompany
the boxes to your house address in person and hand it over to you. All
you need to do now is to send to me, your full house address and your
identity such as, international passport or drivers license and your
mobile phone and telephone number which I will travel with it to your
state. I will call you immediately he arrives to your state's airport. I
hope you understand me.
Kindly get back to me today and reconfirm that there is no mistake in
your details listed above to enable me release the release documents (
Paper works) to you both the "WILL" copy of my late client where he
mentioned your name.
Please email me direct on my private email at COOLFREDESQ@LIVE.CO.ZA
I hope to hear from you soonest and call me with my at +18327064009
Yours in his service,
Fred Anderson Esq.
Attorney At Law
Principal Solicitor