From: IMF BENIN <>
Reply-To: "MR. DUNN CLIFTON" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 07:51:14 +0900 (JST)
Dear beneficiary this to bring to your notice that the INTERPOL Benin Republic and IMF USA Department has arrested many internet scammers that scammes people online claiming to
be one of the bank Agent here in Africa which (Mrs. Brian Thomsan M.) the woman that claims to be(Chief Executive director of bank of America) while the person is not even a
female talk more of working in America,he was arrested three days ago in the western union office where he came to cash some money that was sent to him by someone he scammed
from USA And the other from London and he was caught with the sum of $150000 which was sent by this two men all in the name that they want to receive their fund from him.
Because of this incident a meeting was held in the Benin High Court Between the president of Benin Republic and the United State Ambassador here in Benin Republic and they
came in conclusion that for the president must maintain peace and friendship that has been between his country and USA,London, he must compensate all the scammed victims that
those arrested scammers mentioned,and he promised to compensate them with the sum of $3.5million each person.
And after the INTERPOL and FBI interrogated the scammers your name was mentioned as one of the victim they have scammed using the name Bank of America.
Note:you are to stop further communication with them because as am talking to you now we arrested many of them while some of them escaped and we are promising to track them
down as well,my dear to avoid you wasting more money on this scammers that is why the USA Department said you must stop further communications with them and in case you receive
any message from another email kindly ask the sender the secret pin which is (Wu67890d)if the person is unable to tell you this secret pin dnt ever reply to the person because
we have related this code to all financial institution in other to stop this scam.
Like i told you before the president has promised to compensate you with the sum of $3.5million just to retain the good name of his country and also be in good terms with the
world power and London,And He has deposited the sum of $14million under our control to compensate the four people that this arrested scammers mentioned their names and your name
where among what they mentioned.
Here is the information of the IMF manager for your fund claims.
office:Manager IMF Department.
PHONE:+229 9806 0052/ +229 98221571
contact him now with your full details as listed below so that you will be able to receive your compensation fund the sum of $3.5million either VIA BANK TO BANK ONLINE TRANSFER
Full name..........
Phone Number.......
Be informed that you have nothing less than 120hours that is 4 days to respond to the bank so that they will get your fund to you with any means of your choice any delay in
responds am sorry dnt blame any
Best Regards,