From: "Amina Hassan Garuba" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 00:57:26 +0100
Subject: Hello
Hello, =
I am a Muslim woman; and I strongly believe that strangers can be angels, a=
ll I need from you is honesty, I cannot lie to any one because it is agains=
t my religion.what am telling you is the truth and nothing but the truth, a=
nd please for my own security keep these matter to yourself. My names are A=
mina Hassan Garuba a wife to one of Gadaffi loyalist, I am writing you this=
email is because the trouble is too much for me and my kids, I am in exile=
with my family, I am being monitored, so I found Mr. muraki Bunara. He is =
a well-respected man and has a good job as cook in a five star hotel in (Tr=
ipoli) Libya years back, because of the trouble before the death of Gadaffi=
, he moved for his safety to Malaysia, another Asia Country. I have 7 ATM c=
ards, 3 are master while 4 are visa, we use them anytime we go abroad Ameri=
ca Europe Asia, and in each of the card I have over Two million dollars in =
each of them. =
With the help of Mr. muraki Bunara I sent out all my ATM cards out of Libya=
with him.Every day he removed total of $17,500 with all the cards and kept=
$2,500 for himself each day, I was not greedy, if he can assist me in doin=
g this, then why won=2019t I share with him? he saved $15,000 dollars daily=
for me; the point was to remove all the funds from all my cards because Ga=
daffi is dead, the banking system will changed/tampered as you can see toda=
y. =
After he willdraw the funds from all my card, he deposited $12.2Million Dol=
lars with the firm i directed him to in europe, and gave me all documents, =
Presently Mr. muraki Bunara, is dead the wife said to me, Please nobody Kno=
ws about what I have just told you If you can handle this for me, I will be=
so happy and make sure you will never forget me in life. Please I want to =
entrust this into your care for safe keeping, because I don't know if we wi=
ll come out of this trouble now that isis came up with diffrent problems, D=
o get back to me so I will know if the firm will be contacting you or you t=
o contact them to make claim of my funds. =
Thanks and regards =
Amina Hassan Garuba