From: "odom" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 01:04:08 +0400
Subject: *Australia Secret Offer And Confidential Proposition*
Preliminarily, let me start by introducing my humble self in other to create a better picture. My name is Udom Obot Akpabio. By the grace of God, the only son (adopted) of Mr. Godswill Obot Akpabio Former Governor and currently the Senate Minority Leader in the Federal Republic of Nigeria National Assembly. I am a native of Ukana, Ikot Ntuen, Akwa Ibom in the Eastern Part of Nigeria.
I don't mean to inconvenience you but the present situation facing me has left with no other alternative. In as much as it is very risky to communicate to you through this medium on such a confidential issue, but the urgent nature of things left me in a very tight corner and I have to do it this way because, it is the only way presently but as time goes on, we shall take dressing for security reasons.
However, without wasting much time, We the Eastern part of Nigeria have been agitating for the session to our own
Republic called Biafra since 1967 which was what caused Nigerian Civil War (1967-1970) that led to the killing of estimated 3 Million people from our tribe. Since then, the Nigeria Government have been marginalizing us, treating us like second class citizens and calling themselves "BORN TO RULE" Our people have been humiliated, brutalized and assaulted even publicly. Even though, 90% of so called Nigeria resources is from our land. The petroleum and Gas resources the Government of Nigeria is using to manage its economy originated from us and they never cared to develop or assist our people over the devastating state of our roads, and other social amenities. All our men who are fisher men by profession have been rendered jobless as a result of contamination of our water which resulted in the killing of all the fishes by the Oil Spill. In fact, so many water has crossed under the bridge and the so called ONE NIGERIA exist only in theory but practically, the country belong
History will never forget how they assassinated one of the most vibrant person this country has produced in the person of Ken. Ken Sarowiwa was a great man. A wonderful intellect, a great soul of matchless courage, one of the great men of the earth....and yet we have no right to bow down to his memory sply because he was great. Great orators, great soldiers, great lawyers, often use their gifts for a most unholy cause. We meet to pay a tribute of love and respect to Ken Sarowiwa because he used his matchless power for the good of man while he lived but they terminated him prematurely for agitating for our freedom. Again, the ongoing arrest of The Biafran Leader who is still in the custody even though the court has squashed his charges. This is not done in any country but here in Nigeria, everything is achievable. Despite the fact that the world are clamoring for his release, the federal government turned down the court order. Even though my people are doing peaceful dem
However, since the inception of this country called Nigeria, the Northerners never allowed anybody from our region to participated in government fully. They have been looting our resources and money till date to develop the northern states and neglected ours. The bellow websites collaborates to this . Please, do not hesitate to access it in order to understand me properly.
After several years of killing and molesting our people. The made one man from our region the president but they were controlling him all through his duration in the office. They are the invisible hands that rules the country while the president was just there to fulfil all the righteousness. He was never given a free hand because of their selfish interest. During the time of his administration, lucky enough my father was also elected as the Governor of Akwa Ibom, my own state. Because of the terror the Northern laid to us, my father used his power as Governor of the state to move the sum of $7.2Billion to Dubai-United Arab Emirate bank. It took him complete 4 years to achieve that project. But recently he demanded the Dubai bank to release his money to enable him use it for the development of our region Niger Delta. But the bank declined his offer and directive and threatened to expose him to the Government of Dubai and Nigeria. Please the link below will testify to th
Meanwhile, my father used my name and details also to moved the sum of $879.Million out of Nigeria which is currently in the vault out side the shore of Nigeria. Honestly, am waiting for that transparent and God fearing man who is a reliable investor to assist me personally in transferring this sum of money to his country for investment. We shall discuss/negotiate about your percentage offer upon your response. Please, a word from you could possibly sink this project. It should be kept top secretly. We shall be meeting face to face to enable you see everything with your own eyes. You will be there for confirmation of the money yourself. It will be a practical demonstration whereby samples of the note will be taken by you for consumption. That will prove to you the authenticity of the paper money. Again, another notable achievement of my father was his ability to use his connection while in power to purchase Gold Nugget from Democratic Republic of Congo which is currentl
Gold with your eyes and conduct chemical analysis to know the purity before arranging for the purchase and shipment to any of buyer destination but the most important is that meeting is inevitable before anything takes place over there in Kenya.
If you know you are pretty smart at practicing the law of secrecy, then you are a natural partner in this transaction. You must have to as a matter of fact, keep everything highly confidential for security reasons. This fund and Gold are all the family members of ours are hoping on for survival and anybody who tries to double-cross me in this project will be courses. No two ways about it. In the absent of no other thing to add now, Kindly revert back to me if you are interested to partner with me and i will provide you direct number where you can reach me and also my Skype info for video call to enable us see each other face to face.
For the purpose of clarity, I will ask you to kindly send me the feasibility study and business plan in the sector that you feel and knows that we can invest wisely for the benefit of both of us.
I seeking that company or individual who will be willing in receiving the total fund into his account, active investor and sponsor.
Mr. Udom Obot Akpabio.