From: "Senior Project Fin. Officer" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 20:49:52 -0800
Dear Sir / Madam,
We are a strong team and reputable financial instruments providers and part=
ners for financing, investment and private placement program with cash, mon=
etize bank instrument, sales/lease of SBLC or BG, including private corpora=
te loans offer without any collateral.
We are offering Loan/Investment fund to cooperate bodies, companies, indust=
ries and individuals with profitable business ideas and investment projects=
in any area of specialization that will be able to make-up over 20% cumula=
tive returns on funds invested. =
The amount of this loan ranges from USD $500,000.00 to USD $5,000,000,000.=
00.This loan has got a tenor of 12 to 120 months and interest rate is stric=
tly on 5% per annul on reducing balance.
Are you looking for funds for your projects?
We can also connect you to investors with very huge financial capacity to f=
und your high capital intensive projects...
We assist Clients and brokers in their attempt to secure funding for their =
different projects.
Furthermore, we are looking forward to partnering with agents or brokers. I=
n the case where you do not need a loan, you can serve as our agent, broker=
or company representative. You will be entitled to 1% of total value of ev=
ery business you bring to us.
If you are satisfied with the above procedures send us letter of intent wri=
ting on your company letter head. =
Best Regards, =
Senior Project Fin. Officer