From: <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 10:50:47 +0200
Subject: My Dearest in the Lord?
Hello my beloved in the Lord.
First and foremost, I apologize using this medium to reach you for a transa=
ction of this magnitude. I am Mrs. Wendy Jane Williams I am 65 years old b=
ase in South Africa. I write to Relate to you of my intention to use my m=
oney 20.5 million dollars for charity work in your country. I was married t=
o Late McCauley Scott Williams who was a contractor with the Government o=
f South Africa before he died after a few days in the hospital.I have bee=
n suffering from cancer I want to know if I can trust you to use These fund=
s for charity / orphanage and 20% will be for you as compensation. Please c=
ontact me, so that I will give you more details,All so my dear husband was =
involved with the January 2000 Kenya airways plane crashed as you can see o=
n the news line web site. africa/6627485.stm. =
I choose you after viewing your profile and i have confident in you beca=
use i have prayed. I am willing to donate the sum of $20.5m U.S.Dollars, to=
the less privileged. May the grace of our lord the love of God and the fel=
lowship of God be with you and your family? I await urgent reply. You can a=
lso contact my Banker on his Private email SEE THE BELOW CONTACTS,BANK NAME=
ichard Zaki Nkosingi (MD) Head of credit control and international transfer=
manager TEL: + 27-83-619 1214 Fax: + 27-86-5717.444 EMAIL: richardznkosi= Please update me of your communication with the banker as soo=
n as possible. I count on you; please keep praying for me as I will be pray=
ing for you too. Also let the congregation of the church you worship also p=
ray for me.
Remain blessed,Thanks,
Get back to me on (
Mrs. Wendy Jane Williams.