Date: Tue, 09 Feb 2016 01:52:57 -0800
Subject: GOOD DAY
Dear Sir,
Greetings. First I must solicit your confidence in this transaction; this i=
s by virtue of its nature as it is utterly top secret. I know it may come t=
o you as a surprise, but I sincerely apologize if it invades on your privac=
y. My name is Mr. Stephen Tshabalala, Chief System Analyst of Nedbank of So=
uth Africa, Westville Branch, Kwazulu Natal. I am a South African. =
I am writing to solicit for your assistance in the transfer of USD$10,200,0=
00.00 (Ten Million Two Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars). This amount is part o=
f the funds stashed into South Africa by the late Libyan President (Muammar=
Gaddafi) before his sudden death in 2011. As the Chief Data custodian of t=
he bank, I cloned the amount placed it in a suspense account without a bene=
ficiary. By so doing, I deleted the data of the original beneficiary and sa=
ved it as unclaimed funds without a beneficiary. I need to move the fund as=
an investment funds out from our bank. Here I need your assistant.
As an officer of the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this fund thus=
I am impelled to request for your assistance to receive this fund into you=
r bank account. I intend to part 30% of this fund to you while 70% shall be=
for me.I do need to stress that there is practically no risk involved, hen=
ce it is going to be a bank-to-bank transfer. All I need from you is to sta=
nd as the original depositor of this fund.
I will appreciate your timely response and I will initiate this process tow=
ards an immediate conclusion.
Mr. Stephen Tshabalala.