From: (sent from abused email account)
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 14:49:53 +0100
Subject: Business Proposal
Dear Friend.
I am Mr. Mark Sanborn from Brondesbury,North West London, here in England.=
I work for UBS INVESTMENT Bank London branch. I am writing you from my off=
ice that will be of an immense benefit for both of us. In my department, be=
ing the Chief Risk Officer Group Managing Director and a Member of the UBS=
Investment Bank Executive Committee(Greater London Regional Office), I dis=
covered an abandoned sum of 15 Million United state Dollars (Fifteen Millio=
n United state Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign cu=
stomers Late Mr. Steve Allen who unfortunately lost his life in a car accid=
ent including his wife and only daughter.
The choice of contacting you is aroused from the geographical nature of whe=
re you live, particularly due to the sensitivity of this transaction. The B=
ank officials have been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for thi=
s claim but nobody has done that. I personally have been unsuccessful in lo=
cating the relatives for 4 years now, I seek your consent to present you as=
the next of kin /Will Beneficiary to the deceased of this fund so that the=
proceeds of this account valued at 15 Million Dollars will be transferred =
into your bank account as the next of kin to Late Mr. Steve Allen. =
This will be disbursed or shared in these percentages, 60% for me and 40%=
to you. I have secured all necessary legal documents that will be used to =
back up this claim we are making. All I need to do is to fill in your names=
to the documents and legalize it in the court here to prove you as the leg=
itimate beneficiary of the fund. =
All I require now is your honest Co-operation, Confidentiality and Trust =
to enable us sees this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will =
be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any b=
reach of the law. I want you to understand that I have worked in the financ=
ial sector for over 20 years, and I have been able to secure all legal docu=
ments to enable you inherit this fund =
Please provide me the following: as we have few days to run it through this=
1. Full Name =
2. Your Direct Mobile Number
3. You=2019re Contact Address
4. Date of Birth
Having gone through a methodical search, I decided to contact you hoping th=
at you will find this deal interesting. Please on your confirmation of this=
message and indicating your interest I will furnish you with more informat=
ion. Endeavor to let me know your decision as soon as possible by contactin=
g me with my private email (
Best Regards,
Mark Sanborn