From: "Mr. Rebecca" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 13:25:16 +0100
Subject: Dearest Beloved,
Dearest Beloved,
My name is Mrs Rebecca Clark , age 59 wife of Late Mr Richard Clark we are =
both British Citizen. My husband worked as Senior Manager with an Oil Compa=
ny for Twenty Eight years before he died in the year 2005. We were married =
for Thirty years without a child.
My Husband died after a brief illness that lasted only four days. Before hi=
s death we were both born again Christians and after his death I decided no=
t to re-marry. Before my husband died, he had cash Investment of 15 Million=
United Dollars (Fifteen Million United State Dollars) which he made me the=
Beneficiary. Presently I am in Pupa Cromwell Hospital United Kingdom where=
I am undergoing treatment of two deadly disease of breast cancer and cance=
r of the blood. I have since lost my ability to move around and my doctors =
have told me that I have only a few weeks to live as my condition worsen ea=
ch day.
Before my husband died, it was his last wish to ensure that his $15M be use=
for charity across World, it is for this reason I humbly request you to he=
lp me Stand and receive this payment of 15 Million United States Dollars in=
which I have decided to give you 5 Million United States Dollars which wil=
l be for your effort and any expenses you may incurred in the process of re=
ceiving this payment while the balance 10 Million United Dollars should be =
distributed for Charity to take care of orphanages, widows, disaster Victim=
s and also to fund churches. I took this decision because I do not have any=
child who will inherit this money and because my husband was the only chil=
d of his late parent.
The doctor will not allow me to talk to anybody but I have a Reverend Fathe=
r who knows my family for over 20 years and has always come to the Hospital=
to pray for me, I have entrusted him with vital information which you will=
require in order to receiving this payment therefore immediately I receive=
your reply, I will forward your name and email address and other contact t=
o Reverend Father Warren Gate who is presently in United States of American=
for Missionary Assignment. so that he will supervise the processing of you=
r power of attorney, all I want from you is for you to make time out of you=
r very busy schedule and see to the success of receiving this payment withi=
n the shortest period of time because the directors of the investment compa=
ny where the fund is logged may use the fund for their selfish purpose in c=
ase anything happen to your beloved Mrs Rebecca Clark. Kindly reply to this=
mail as soon as possible and remember to indicate (1) Your Full Name, (2) =
Your Contact Address
s (3) Your Telephone (Cel
Hoping to hear from you soonest. Please reply to mrsvivianselsman233@yahoo.= Thank you and God Bless you.
Mrs Rebecca Clark