Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2016 20:02:11 -0800
Subject: Your compensation payment of $250,000.00 USD is already approved by UN BODY
Attention Beneficiary,
This is to officially inform you that we have written to you before without getting respond from you and we believe that our previous mail did not get to you therefore we write you again. We are contacting you concerning the release of your compensation payment.
We are fully aware of your past experience in receiving your payment and that maybe the reason why you did not respond to our precious letter, but we promise you that such situation will never repeat again. I know you will be skeptical to reply our email based on what has happend to you, but my bible says what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul.
This message is for those names in our payment database file. The African Union Commission & United Nations have agreed to compensate all those names in our payment database file with the sum of $250,000.00 USD each.
This has been deliberated upon and is among our set of priorities in making the world a better place. You are advised to contact the United Bank For Africa with your complete data for processing / release of your compensation payment via online banking Transfer.
However, considering the economic crisis in africa, the United Nations Body and United Bank for African have scrutinized the circumstances surrounding bank to bank wire transfer oversea, this is to avoid much protocols and delay from the african union fund certification on foreign transmission of funds. I must tell you quite frankly that bank to bank wire protocols will cost you money to obtain approval from the african union for fund certification on foreign transmission of funds, certifying the irrevocable success of funds transfer especially from africa to oversea.
View the attach file for your clarification.
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