Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 10:13:24 -0300
I pray that the content of this mail is not misconstrued, despite that the =
internet world has been invaded and taken over by dishonest people who are =
nothing but scammers. Please I discourage you from being tempted to overloo=
k or outright discard of mail content simply because this is a different ca=
se. Which I assure will be of mutual benefit. Simply put, I have no fraudul=
ent intentions but that the essence of this message is strictly for our mut=
ual benefit and nothing more. But I rather dwell more at this first contact=
on the issue of trust, honesty, reliability expected of each us and your c=
apability to handle it at your end without compromising on confidentiality.=
However I would remain wary and cautious until I get an affirmation of you=
r understanding of mail content and its importance or absolutely that convi=
nced you are ready to collaborate with me. I am therefore holding back spec=
ifics for security reasons until you response is received. I need your assu=
rance that never will you share or go public with message content. I do ass=
ure you that we both stand to gain enormously from the expected collaborati=
on in this uncommon transaction of this nature. All I can say for now is th=
at I am a serving soldier in the U.S. Army who has had 6 years duty tour of=
Iraq and redeployed to Afghanistan after the end of Iraq war. I am a curre=
ntly serving in Afghanistan and I want to ship 3 boxes containing (14 milli=
on dollars) to you which are expected to remain entrusted to you for keeps =
until I come over to join you. Surprised and skeptical about a mail from so=
meone relatively unknown to you? Not to worry too much. But for the meantim=
e I urge you to ensure a visit/view these 2 news websites which gives histo=
rical background and insight as well as the source of funds in question whi=
ch has been of public knowledge since during the Iraq war. (a) http://news.= (BBC News) I will be vivid and very =
explicit in my next message should you agree to collaborate with me. But be=
fore my next mail it will be appreciated if you advance your interest by si=
mply doing the following: 1. Confirm that the 2 international news links ab=
ove have been visited/viewed. 2. Confirm your understanding of my intention=
to send the funds to you. 3. Give a word of promise to let it remain a sec=
ret between us. 4. Provide me with the following information :( your comple=
te names, complete contact address, phone number(s), your age and your prof=
ession/occupation) Once again I plead that you do not share this proposal o=
n mutual collaboration with no one. Please send your response to my PRIVATE=
& SECURE email address: Regards CALISTA BA=