This is to officially notify that your email address appears amongst the recent list of scam victims released in past few days, according to reports an overdue funds offered as compensation by UNITED NATIONS in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is yet to be released to you nor other beneficiaries. As directed by UN secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in collaborations with IRS, a closed door meeting was held regarding each and every unclaimed/unpaid funds which we were made to understand alot of people are being exorted off their hard earned money with noting to show for. Meanwhile this caused our intervention to ensure accuracy and maintain each and every beneficiaries is justified to receive his/her funds, so I wish to state categorically that a transfer of $10,500,000.00 from Duestche Bank will be made to your bank account as almost 99% cost associated with the transfer of your funds has been pre-paid by the U.S. Federal Government, but the only fee you will
After you must have paid the aformentioned charges, the Paying Bank will begin processing on how your Funds will be transfer to your account as approved suitable with banking regulation and policy. I urgently oblige your respond immediately after that I may need proper verification ensure to being corresponding with the rightful beneficiary, therefore reconfirm the following details as listed below.
Home Address:
Direct Phone Number:
Prior to confirming these aformentioned details above, I shall further advise you the basic and provide vital info regarding the ongoing arrangements of the fund transfer into any designated bank account of your choice within the next 72 hours.
For more information about me kindly click on the link below or simply copy and paste the URL link on your web browser.
NOTE: I have received numerous forwarded emails claiming that i went to Nigeria concerning your funds. Please ignore such email because i did not travel to Nigeria for such objective. I am here in the United States of America but a Canadian citizen. Nigeria is No.1 fraudulent country and almost 50% Nigerians are impostors. They value impersonation immensely. Right from this moment, For safety and security reason I advised you to stop all further conversation/correspondence with whomsoever you might be in contact with, that involves related issues such as transacting money with any unknown individuals, either through Lottery Winnings, Next of Kin Proposals, investment plan, dating from any social networking sites or any other as they are all fake based on daily reports on fraudlet activities.
You can reach me via the listed information below.
Name: Ms. Carman L. Lapointe
Email Address:
Sincerely yours,
Ms. Carman L. Lapointe
Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary
General For Internal Oversight Services.