From: "Dir:Dr James Emmanuel" <>
Reply-To: "Dir:Dr James Emmanuel" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 23:47:52 +0900 (JST)
Subject: UPS Swift Credit Card (ATM) $7.5 Million Dollars
I have registered your ATM CARD of $7.5 Million united states dollars with UPS Courier Company with registration code of ( Shipment Code awb 33xzs,ATM Card Registered Code No xgt442.Security Code sctc/2001dhx/567/;Transaction Code 233/cstc/101/33028/;
Certificate Deposit code; sctc/bun/xxiv/-78/01).
please Contact with your delivery information such as, Your Name, Your Address and Your Telephone Number and your country:
Courier Office: UPS
Name of Dir:Dr James Emmanuel
I have paid for the Insurance & Delivery fee.The only fee you have to pay is their Security fee only.Please indicate the registration Number and ask Him how much is their Security fee so that you can pay it.
Now I want you to contact United Parcel Service with your Full Contact information so that they can deliver your ATM Card to your designated address without any delay, like I stated earlier,the delivery charges have been paid but I did not pay their office keeping fee since they refused, they refused and the reason is that they do not know when you are going to contact them and demurrage might have increase. They told me that their keeping fee is $105usd.
Best Regards,
Mr Leonard Castillo