From: "Dr.Lawson Stanley Egobia" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 09:10:41 -0500
Subject: Please Read Not Spam
>From Dr. Stanley Egobia Dear Friend It is with trust and confidence that i =
write to make this urgent business proposal to you.i was assigned by two of=
my colleague to seek for a foreign partner who will assist us in providing=
a convenient foreign account in any designated bank abroad for the transfe=
r of us$35,500,000.00 pending on our arrival in your country for utilizatio=
n and disbursement with the owner of the account. this amount results from =
a deliberate inflation of the value of a contract awarded by our ministry -=
the federal ministry of agriculture (fma)to an expatriate company.the cont=
ract has been executed and payment made to the original contractor,remainin=
g the over-invoiced amount of us$35.5 million,which we want to transfer the=
funds out the country in our favour for disbursement among ourselves.the t=
ransfer of this money can only be possible with the help of a foreigner who=
will be presented as the beneficiary of the fund. as government officials,=
we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts,and this is the reason why =
we decided to contact you. we have agreed that if you/your company can act =
as the beneficiary of this fund (us$35,500,000.00 million)25% of the total =
sum will be for you for providing the account while 5% will be set aside fo=
r the expenses incurred during the cost of transfer of the fund into your a=
ccount while 70% will be reserved for us. we hereby solicit for your assist=
ance in providing a convenient account number in a designated bank abroad w=
here this fund would be transferred.we intend coming over there on the comp=
letion of this transfer to secure our own share of the money. please note t=
hat we have been careful and have made all arrangements towards the success=
and smooth transfer of the fund to your account before you. for security r=
easons and confidentiality of this transaction, we demand that you should n=
ot expose this proposal and the entire transaction to anybody. we are putti=
ng so much trust in you with the hope that you would not betray us. or sit =
on this money when it is finally transferred into your account. Be rest ass=
ured that this transaction is 100% risk free. if this proposal is acceptabl=
e to you,indicate your interest by sending a email to us including your ban=
k name & address,account number,telephone and fax numbers. note:our former =
president olusegun aremu obasanjo collaborated with the former chairman of =
the economic financial crime commission , mallam nuhun ribadu to stop the j=
unior ranks officers from transferring funds out of the country. he sent di=
fferent publication to many countries in the world as propaganda to discour=
age all government officials from transferring funds into an overseas accou=
nt to avoid and save guides the countries economy. apparently, so that othe=
r government officials will not benefits from these( oil windfalls venture)=
where he has been a culprit alone with his aides.more details about this t=
ransaction will be given to you as soon as we receive your positive respond=
. note that the particular nature of your company's business is irrelevant =
to this transaction. if this transaction interests you, your urgent respons=
e will be appreciated. yours faithfully, From Dr.Lawson Stanley Egobia=20