From: "DS & Holbert Associates" <>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2016 16:51:18 -0800
Subject: Treat as URGENT:
Dear Beneficiary,
Threat as URGENT:
Important Information. I am Dennis S. Holbert, a personal Attorney to Sir,=
Edward Lee, a British-Chinese Businessman and Philanthropist. It is sad to=
let you know that the Late Edward Lee, my former client confide in me to l=
et me know of =A36.8 Million British Pounds Sterling (GBP) in a Trustee Acc=
ount here in the UK. But on the sad faithful day when victims of the AF4590=
crash include all 109 people on board when the plane crashed into the Hote=
l issimo. CONFIRM FACT HERE with this link: =
MR. EDWARD LEE has no children neither father nor mother as the beneficiary=
to his Will. The United Kingdom Government has notify me as the Attorney f=
or claim of the money. I can not stand as the family members, neither do I =
want the money to be here in UK. We are particularly interested in securing=
this money from the Financial Institution, because they have issued a noti=
ce instructing us to provide the beneficiary of this Will within two weeks,=
which happens to be you or else the money will be credited to the Governme=
nt Treasury in accordance to the Great Britain Act (Law): 17:56 Promulgated=
in 1999. =
In these proceeding, I have no Legal Right (on the Jurisdiction) to remit =
or retain this money in my Bank Account because, it is against the Law of U=
nited Kingdom. =
As a result of the ongoing internet difficulties and scam activities going =
on the internet this days, many people are scared and afraid when they rece=
ived this type of email.
Note: This message is real. Feel free to contact me as I will provide all n=
ecessary legal documents. =
No options rather to execute the directives by Great Britain Government. DS=
& Holbert Associates is a Law Firm here in London, United Kingdom.
In conclusion, I want you to stand as the next of kin to late Edward Lee. A=
s soon as you receive the money in your Country, we shall share the money, =
you will take 30% =
of the money, while I will have 60% and 10% will be set aside for unforese=
en expenses during the facilitation of the deal. If you are interested to b=
e the next of kin; =
kindly reply to me as soon as possible so that we can start the processing=
of transferring the fund to your account.
Do let me know your suggestion on how you will receive the fund.
Note; That the British Financial Authority have given ultimatum that the mo=
ney must be claimed as it was 15years ago and is over due. I wait to hear f=
rom you.
Dennis S. Holbert.
Attorney, =
Principal Partner.