From: "From: Paul I. Made" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:02:25 +0200
Subject: GOOD DAY
From: Paul I. Made
Human Rights Commission
29 Princess of Wales Terrace,
Cnr York and St Andrews Street, Parktown, Johannesburg
Private Bag 2700, Houghton, Johannesburg 2041
We Humbly Need Your Assistance
Good Day Sir,
I hope you would not be embarrassed to read such a traumatizing mail from someone you do not know and have not met before.
My name is Paul Made, the only son of Mr. Jerold Made from Zimbabwe currently residing in South Africa as asylum Seekers. I
am contacting you on behalf of my father, who is currently paralyzed and my mother Mrs. Anna Made and two sisters Maria and
Jane, we seek your assistance for a new life and the investment of US$ 15, 200, 000, 00 (Fifteen Million, two hundred
thousand United States Dollars).
The story of Zimbabwe, as I believe is no more news but probably has made headlines on almost all countries national
newspapers. But you can read more from the URL below, generated from the Human Right Watch.
Our farm was invaded on the 23rd of January 2003 by the war veterans of the ZANU-PF being the electoral party of the
current president Robert Mugabe. At first there was an understanding that we should share the land in equal with them,
which my father peacefully agreed and shared the land to maintain peace and to remain in his tobacco business, but the
story changed after the last election of March 29 2008, which the whole supporters of the opposition party of MDC (Movement
for democratic change) believed that the ZANU-PF has lost the election and also many country believed the same and the
delay in the release of the presidential result.
This caused more problems on the MDC supporters which my family as one of the families that supports the MDC was asked to
evacuate our family business and everything that we own to the ZANU-PF war veterans and many other families where affected.
Let me not go further in touching my wounds. This news shocked my father causing him a brain stroke and half of his body is
being paralyzed till date. We left to South Africa and upon our arrival my mother made a deposit of the above mentioned
amount into one of the Private Banks. but to our greatest surprise we were expecting the President of South Africa where
most Zimbabweans has ran to secure their lives, to intervene on the case, since he is the Mediator and to the worlds
greatest surprise he made it clear on a National Conference that there was no crisis in Zimbabwe. This has posed a lot of
questions to our security in this neighboring country.
Coupled with the recent xenophobic attack on foreigners in South Africa, we have come to a conclusion that is not a safe
place for us to be, as many foreign investors are pulling out there Investment from this country, and we cannot continue
with any form of investment. The above funds was moved from Zimbabwe through the Eagle Security Services and with documents
of clean background it was accepted and deposited as investment fund under my name(PAUL MADE) as the beneficiary. As it
stands we cannot move this fund out of this country via security services anymore as it has being deposited into an account
already and our status as refugees has limitations to certain financial obligations and operations.
Please my family would really appreciate it if you could help us; we only need your help to stand as our Overseas Family
Business Partner and the fund would be transferred to you on Investment Ground and I would fly my family out of this
country to meet with you and start up a new life and a proper medical attention for my father.
This is a clean fund from our family business. All we need is a new life somewhere that is secure
I would give you more details on how this could be achievable as soon as I get your favorable response via Email or
telephone number.
I would appreciate if you respond to me via my personal email.
Yours Faithfully
Mr. Paul Made (Son)
For the Family