From: Google Award <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 06:41:25 +0100
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?YOUR_EMAIL_ID_HAS_WON_YOU_=28500=2C000=2E00_=C2=A3GBP=29?=
*Google Promotion Award Department®*
*44 Oakleugh Road*
*South London N11 INP*
*United Kingdom.*
*Dear E-mail User,*
*Your e-mail ID has emerged as a winner of GBP£500,000.00 (Five hundred
thousand Great Britain Pounds) in our on-going Google Promotion Award. We
wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for being part of our
winners selected this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the
active users of the Google search engine, the Google ancillary services,
support fraud victims, support widows, uplift poverty alleviation, charity
aid, community development, improve the level of education worldwide,
encourage the use of Internet and computers worldwide for vast knowledge
and also increase the standard of living of the less privileged. Hence we
do believe that with your winning prize, you will continue to be
active and patronage to the Google search engine. Google is now the biggest
search engine worldwide and in an effort to make sure that it remains
the most widely used search engine.*
*The Google Promotion Award Team collects the E-mail ID of all active users
online, among the people that subscribed to GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE,
FACEBOOK and all the social networks online, among the billions users
that subscribe to internet in which your email ID emerged as one of the
lucky winners that won £500,000.00 {Five Hundred Thousand Great Britain
Pounds Sterling} through electronic balloting system without the winner
applying, we are congratulating you for been one of the lucky people that
won for this Month of January.*
*A winning cheque of £500,000.00 {Five Hundred Thousand Great British
Pounds Sterling} will be issued on your name by our fiduciary agent, and
also a certificate of prize claims will be sent alongside
your winning cheque. Note that all winners cheque are certified
international bank draft,and when delivered and received by you,
you can deposit and cash it in any bank of your choice without any delay.*
*To claim your won prize, please contact the Google Award claims Fiduciary
Agent (Mr Grahams Benfield)*
*neatly filling the verification details below.*
*Mr Grahams Benfield*
*Contact Email: ( <>) or
( <>)*
*Kindly forward your verification details as stated below to the Google
Fiduciary Agent;*
*1. Full Name:*
*2. House Address**:*
*3. Occupation**:*
*4. Sex**:*
*5. Age:*
*6. Marital Status:*
*7. Direct Phone No:*
*8. Country:*
*9. Ticket Number: 00869575733664*
*10. Serial Number: BTD/8070447706/06*
*11.Lucky Number: 12-12-23-35-40-41(12)*
*The Google Promotion Award Team has discovered a huge number of double
claims due to winners informing close friends, relatives and third parties
about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers. As a result of
this, these friends try to claim the lottery on-behalf of the real
winners. The Google Promotion Award Team has reached a decision that any
double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to the
cancellation of that particular winning,making a loss for both the
double claimer and the real winner, as it is taken that the real winner was
the informer to the double claimer about the lottery. So you are
hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings
strictly confidential until you claim your prize.*
*Please do not reply if you are NOT the owner of this Email-ID.
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Google Board Commission.*
*Mrs. Charlene Richards.*
*Promotion Award Manager.*
*C2015 Google Corporation.*