From: "Dave Harold" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 00:13:54 +1200
Subject: From: Dave Harold.
From: Dave Harold.
Related to the approval given for the onward transfer of your funds by the International Criminal Court to the Spanish Bank(THE BANKIA), and authorization empowering the Financial Services Authority in London to monitor your payment for sure delivery, transparency and accountability, we write from the office of the United Nations Funds Transfer Monitoring Agents and Accountability Unit overseeing all payments as approved, which oversees all financial transactions Originating from Africa, Asia and Europe, you are hereby informed to follow our directives in order to bring justice to you.
Our surveillance Unit indicates that your funds are yet to be credited to your bank account despite all the monies you have spent, hence your payment have been scheduled to be credited to your bank account once and for all from the Spanish bank where your payment will be wired and credited to your bank account on direct bank to bank wire transfer. And note that you will be required to connect the Spanish Bank(BANKIA) as soon as your return email with your details, Bio Data and amount due is re-confirmed before we give final authorization to the BANKIA to proceed with the wire transfer in your favor.
This is 100% guaranteed and we shall in turn monitor the payment until you have finally received your money. Get back to this office within 48hours of receipt of this all important information and we shall direct you on how to open communication with the Spanish Bank accordingly.
Yours Faithfully,
Dave Harold