Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 13:53:29 -0800
Subject: Your Indulgence. URGENT...
I am Mr. Sean McGrath, the Director of Bill and Exchange of World Bank. I received your information from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The business I am introducing to you is palpably based on sheer trust and with sense of purpose for all modalities has been mapped out because it falls within my area of Jurisdiction and it is 100% Hitch free.
I wish to have a deal with you as regards to the unpaid funds of US$15M of retired Atlanta physician George Brumley Jr. since he has no Next of Kin, The Brumleys are philanthropists to many charitable causes in the Atlanta area, including hospitals and schools. I have his file before me data's and it is my duty to recommend the transfer of these surplus funds to the British Government Treasury and Reserve Accounts as unclaimed deposits,I have the opportunity to write you based on the instructions received two days ago from the Foreign Debts Reconciliation Dept. to submit the List of payment reports/expenditures and audited reports of revenues.Among several others, I have decided to present you as the Next of Kin/Will Beneficiary to an overdue inheritance sum of US$15M belonging to my Late client.
I wish to know if we can work together. I would like you to stand as next of kin to my deceased client, who was among the people that lost their life in Kenya air crash in 2003, with the wife, children and entire generation. No record and no one to stand as the next of kin since 2003. You can read the publication as published by CNN.COM for more details.
He made some deposits to my bank, and died without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate. Click on the link and see the details because this link gives a very comprehensive picture of what Iâm saying. If you are interested do let me know so that I can give you comprehensive details on what we are to do.
I urgently hope to get your response.
Best regards,
Mr.Sean McGrath.
World Bank Group.