From: "Mystery Shopper Company" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2016 14:46:15 +0100
Subject: Mystery Shoppers New Month Bonus .Its Fun
Need extra INCOME!!!!
Become our [ MYSTERY SHOPPER]:
Earn [ NO LESS THAN $400 ] Per Venture:
It is Very Easy and Very Simple:
No Application fees:
Here's your chance to get paid for shopping and dinning out.
Mystery Chooper is hired by, retail businesses and restaurants other service
businesses to help them determine how the consumer perceives the quality of
their service and product. We send shoppers anonymously into their locations
to order a meal in a restaurant, make a purchase in a retail establishment
or inquiry to a service business. The mystery shopper acts like any normal
After the visit, the shopper send in a report, question or comment about the
events that happened during the visit.
The information should be objective only and should contain only the facts about the visit.
The shopper is reimbursed for the meal or purchase up to the maximum
amount set by the client.In some cases, the shopper is also paid a small fee for filling out the
forms and in cases where there is no reimbursement, the shopper is paid a
flat fee for completing the assignment. If you decide to become a Full Scope
Inc. shopper, you would be an independent contractor.
You would have the option to accept or decline any assignment we offer you.
However, if you do accept an assignment, you must fulfill the
requirements of the assignment according to our instructions in order to be
insured reimbursement and/or payment. Once you accept an assignment,your
report must be completed and submitted within 24 hours after the visit.
The receipt (if required) must be sent in within the same time frame,
either by fax or e-mail. Your job will be to evaluate and comment on
customer service in a wide variety of shops, stores, restaurant and services
in your area.
(a) The mystery shopper acts like any normal customer:
(b) Smartness of the attendant:
(c) The quality of customer service:
(d) How long it took you to get services done:
(e) You might be required to upset the attendant, to see how they react to
clients when they get tensed:This Report would be turned over to the company. Most companies employ
our assistance when people give complains about their services, or when
they feel there are needs for them to improve their customer service
Your Identity would be kept confidential as the job states (secret shopper)
you would be paid a flat fee of ?350pounds for every evaluation assignment and
bonus on your transportation allowance, and funds would be given to you if
you have to dine as part of the duty and you will work 4-5 times in a month
which does not stop you from doing other Job.
Your shopper profile Provided to us as been Accepted and Your Shoppers Tag
Profile Number is: Rep ID# QHF04609 #
You would be provided with the service Location to start up with as soon as
We would like you to inform us on the mode of payment that would be most
suitable by you to receive funds from us for your services: Payment by: Cheques Or Travellers Check for any of your assignments which
you will cash at your financial institution and you use the money to carry out the assignment . You do not have to use
any money from your pockets. So will provide you the money for all your assignments.
We need the following information, so we can add you to our database.(Paymentwill be sent to your address)
First Name :
Last Name :
Address : (NO PO BOX )
City :
State :
Zip Code :
Sex :
Age : (18 and Above)
Cell Phone number :
Home Phone number :
Have you Done This Kind Of Job Before: Yes/No
Present Occupation :
Forward the above required details to : ( )
Immediately this is done we will give a phone call or send an email to let you know your placement with our company.
Dekard C Shaw
Mystery Shoppers Inc.
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