From: (sent from abused email account)
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Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 14:10:09 +0100
Subject: Good Day
Hello My Dear
I am sure this mail would be coming to you as a surprise since we have never met before. My major priority of contacting you is to Propose a deal that requires immediate and swift execution. I will Provide you all the Necessary details about me once trust is established between us. Please read thoroughly and get back to me but you have the Obligation to decline if you are not interested.
I am Mrs Sarah Fraam Ahmed, the wife of Engr Fraam Ahmed, an Industrialist and member of the Syrian business men In council Damascus. after the death of my husband My family is under threat of President Bashar al-Assad, it's Resolute of our support for a true Democratic Government in Syria that is why They killed my husband. Due to the current President Bashar al-Assad protest in the country, Many families are running out from Syria for their dear lives and millions are migrating to other countries for better life due to soldiers are killing Civilians, women and children. I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession the sum of (Twenty Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) in my possession $20,500,000.00. This is the money me and my husband have saved for our entire life as an Industrialist and we have it saved with Red Cross Save House here in Damascus before his death, as you may know putting money in the bank here in Syria is a very big risk i
n the country like ours.
I have informed the Red Cross Safe House that I want to move all the money out from Syria to my relative outside Syria. This is why am in need of a Reliable and Trust worthy person who will receive the money, secure and protect it till my arrival Which Should be soon. I have to take this chance because I want my sons to start a new life and I have no other alternative but to trust somebody by using this medium to contact you. Am an orphan with no brother or sister but only my two sons, so I can not risk their life here to avoid an end to my family lineage.
As a woman since my husband is dead All I have is my two Sons. They deserve a decent life and I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my sons and invest the money In Accordance with law and with your advice and assistance in investment, We can work together and Achieve a better future for our families.
There will be no risk in this, I have made the Necessary arrangement as soon as you accept to assist my family and get us out from Syria for a better new life in your country. I will assume you are capable of handling a deal of this magnitude and Also trust you to Maintain absolute confidentiality and secrecy to protect this great achievement. In less than 4 days the money will be in your possession. You will be Entitled to 20% of the total sum of $20,500,000.00 while 80% will be for me and my sons.
I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information with you, I will Provide Further Details. We do not have the luxury to waste time with kindly respond as soon as possible.
Best regards
Mrs Sarah Fraam Ahmed