From: mr anthony emma <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 12:56:23 +0100 (CET)
Subject: ATM visa card was Discovered In post office
ATM visa card was Discovered In post office
Iâm Mr.ANTHONY EMMA, ( new appointed Postman of
Regular Mail Post Office branched at Cotonou Benin. I assumed this office on
13th, November, 2015. On going through the files of the previous records of
this office, I discovered that there are six parcels containing ATM cards each
one attached with an email address of the owner on it. The former appointee of
this office (Alhaji Ahmed Musa Jr.) failed to carry out the delivery as it was
instructed and programmed. Probably, one of his reasons for not carrying out
the delivery was that you have not provided your postal address to him for the
completion of the delivery as he remarked.
According to the content recorded in each file, the ATM card was deposited by
one Senior Evangelist Mathew Peterson who died one year back as a charity
foundation parcel to each of the six of you. On the statement he wrote on the
list, he stated that each of the aforementioned ATM cards contains the sum of
US$5,000,000.00 and he found your email contacts as reputable and capable
persons that can use the charity awarded ATM Cards to change the lives of
Meanwhile, I've made the arrangement of posting the six parcels through Regular
Mail Post Office to the six of you to your respective mailing addresses.
Am also sending the same message of the same content to six of you that own the
six abandoned ATM CARDS each at the same time. If found in spam folder, it
could be due to your Internet Service Provider, ISP. So move to your inbox
before your reply.
I went to our head office at Cotonou Benin and reported the issue of the
discovered six ATM cards in my office and they verified it and gave me the veto
order to carry out the delivery immediately you reconfirm your mailing address
to this office in order for us to mail the ATM CARD directly to you after
Postal Stamp of the parcel. Note, below information is officially needed for
posting of the ATM CARD ASAP.
1. Your Full name, _______________
2. Your home Address_____________
3. Your current telephone number,
4. A copy of your ID card, ___________
5. Your age/sex, __________________
6. Your country,__________________
7. Your occupation, retired__________________
8Your nearest air-port___ _______________
We shall post your ATM Card once you update us with the above info and you
shall be given a tracking number, that is, the Track and Trace number of your
parcel once it is posted to your mailing address, so as to enable you track
your parcel to know exactly when it will arrive to your mailing address.
Remain blessed as I'll be looking forward to receiving your immediate response.
Tel:+229 992 42 898
Postman, Regular Mail Post Office Continuo Benin.