Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2016 06:34:19 +0530
Subject: Urgent Response
DEAR SIR/MADAM, I am a foreign purchasing Manager/Pharmacist to the above m=
entioned company; a subsidiary Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Ltd UK. I got your co=
ntact from the international business directory out of desperate search for=
a reliable and a business minded person in your country for a mutual and u=
rgent business transaction requiring maximum confidentiality and trust,henc=
e I am contacting you. I and my Regional director use to visit your country=
for the purchase of the above mentioned HIV AKU ROOT. This AKU ROOT are ra=
w materials used for the preparation/manufacturing of ANTI HIV/AIDS drugs i=
n the United Kingdom. I wish to seek your cooperation in having an alliance=
with you in the outright purchase of these raw materials from the original=
seller in your country, and resell to our company. This seeds is sold at t=
he rate of ($2,200.00) per packet. The seller of this seeds is a citizen of=
your country. We have come to purchase these raw materials from him in sev=
eral occasions. I will want you to be the middle man between the original s=
eller of this products and my company. Where by you will purchase these pro=
ducts from the original seller at the rate of ($2,200.00) per a packet and =
resell to our company at the rate of ($5,650.00) as against($5,800.00) per =
a packet which we normally buy the products from the former middle man who =
has never kept to our sharing agreement. The over inflated profit that is a=
dded to it will be shared by both of us. That=92s you will have 60% while 4=
0% will be for me. This over inflated profit shall be calculated on the bas=
is of the number of packets that you are able to supply us for purchase in =
any of our trip to your country. I shall give to you my bank account detail=
s where you will send in my entitlement. Please NOTE that my regional direc=
tor will not make any payment to you without seeing the products with you d=
ue to past experience. That=92s you are going to make the out right purchas=
e of these products from the original seller and resell to us when we must =
have finish discussion with you on our arrival to your country. The payment=
is usually done on Bank to Bank transaction or cash in hand. That=92s afte=
r seeing the number of packets supplied by you and the total amount calcula=
ted; we shall immediately proceed with you to our nearest correspondent Ban=
kers trust in your country for instant payment into your account. We will b=
e able to make any payment to the tone of the number of packets supplied to=
us on our arrival. I shall give to you the direct contact of the original =
seller for you to make enquiries about these raw materials after you must h=
ave given me your consent in this proposal. I will also give you details on=
how to contact my company officially over these raw materials and the new =
price of $5,500.00 per a packet after you must have concluded with the orig=
inal seller. Because my company also serves as a distributing company of th=
is products to some other companies in United Kingdom. All other informatio=
n shall be given to you when you must have agreed to handle this proposal w=
ith utmost confidentiality. For your fullest cooperation, hoping to hear fr=
om you in a soonest possible time. Contact Number: +44 871-974-4629 Regards=
, Mr michael Rogers E-mail: