Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 18:28:51 -0530
Western Union
Money Transfer Service
Address: 1800 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28203
After proper investigations and research at Western Union and Money Gram Office, we found your name in the database amongst those that have sent money and this proves that you have truly been worth to be compensate meeting was held between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),the Bureau of Business Trust Fund Taxes and Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) as a consequence of our investigations it was agreed that the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty US Dollars (USD $250,000 ) should be transferred to you out of the funds that THE TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES has set aside as a compensation to everyone who have by one way or the other sent money anywhere in the world.
We have deposited your fund at Western Union Money Transfer agent location FedEX Post office North Caroline, USA. We have submitted your details to them so that your fund can be transferred to you. we have also insured your fund to your name to avoid misappropriation of funds.
How would you like to
receive your payment? Because we have two Method of payment which is
by Check or by ATM card. ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin
based ATM card which you will use to withdraw up to $5000.00 USD (Five
Thousand Dollars) per day from any ATM machine that has the Master
Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 3 years time which
is 2018. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your
funds to your local bank account. Even if you do not have a bank
account, the ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you
about how to use it.
Check: A Cashier Check will be issued in your name and you will have
to deposit it in your Bank for it to be cleared within two Working
Days. Your payment would be sent to you via any of your preferred
option above and would be mailed to you via FedEx, because we have
signed a contract with FedEx which should expire (29TH) of January. 2016,
And you will only have to pay the sum of $200.00 Dollars Only.
And remember that all you will ever have to spend is $200
Dollars nothing more! Nothing less! And we Guarantee the receipt of
your fund to be successfully delivered to you within the next 48hrs
after confirmation receipt of FedEx fee of $200 Dollars).
Kindly get back to us as well with the MTCN and also be advice to
recomfirm your full Delivery Address to avoid any Wrong Delivery of
package.Apply Your Claims Promptly: For immediate release of your fund
valued of $250,000 USD (Two Hundred and fifty Thousand Dollars) to
you, you should contact our correspondent.
Your Full Name:_________________________
Your House Address:_________________________
Home/Cell/Phone Number:___________________
Choose ONE Preferable Payment Method (Visa ATM Card OR Cashier
Your package will be sent to you within 2 working days upon
Confirmation receipt of FedEx fee of $200.00 Dollars. We are so sure of
everything and we are giving you a 100% Money back Guarantee if you do
not receive payment / package within the next 48hrs after you have
made the payment for shipping. We also Hereby Issued You Our Code Of
Conduct, Which Is (FRBNYATM-2016) So You Have To Indicate This Code
When replying back to us By Using It As Your Subject Because Of
Contact the Western Union agent office through the email address below :
Your package will be sent to you within 2 working days upon
Confirmation receipt of FedEx fee of $200.00 Dollars.
Send $200 to the below info via Western Union/MoneyGram
Payment Information
Name : Lisa Sanchez
Address : St Peter,Mo 63376
Carl Williams.,
Investigation Officer.
Cotact :