Dear Respected One,
In accordance withthe law of inheritance here, it is clearly stated thatwhereas the deceased died without living behind an offspringor the immediate biological family are no longer alive, suchas in this situation, any of the deceased extended relativestands to inherit whatever property or money left by thedeceased. It is on the basis of this section of the law,that I want to present you to the bank and in order tolegitimize it, I will then swear an Affidavit before theHigh Court attesting to your relationship with the deceasedand any Affidavit deposed before a law court of competentjurisdiction is admissible by law as a statement of fact andcannot be disputed.
Since the death of my client, all the efforts of the bankto locate a beneficiary failed for the claim of the US$29.5 Million, this is the reason they contacted me to trace hisrelatives. This is a clean deal. There is no risk to this transaction, as we will process all the required documentsby Law for a beneficiary claim. There is no other livingrelative, Actually, my client was born by two migrantworkers that came to Asian in the 50`s. In thistransaction, we will go step by step, first with the legaldocuments to back up the claim and secondly, the monetarydocuments for the transfer. I am therefore counting on yourco-operation to make this work out. I am very optimistic wecan pull this through with your support.
For the legal ramifications, be rest assured that, this ismy professional field for I do know what the entire loopholes involve and will handle them with greatprofessionalism. Moreover, you and I will share the proceedsof this transaction in a Sixty to Forty percentage ratio(60% - 40%). I do not think this claim will exceed Ten (10) working days if we work in harmony.
If this is Okay by you, I will send you a beneficiaryAffidavit Form from the High Court which you will fill and resend to me for me to swear affidavit in the HighCourt Singapore that you are truly the pr beneficiary ofmy Late Client and from here we will commence. Please feelfree to contact.
Yours Sincerely,
Ramasamy Suppiah Esq