From: <>
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2016 12:37:42 +0200
Subject: Hello my beloved in the Lord.
Hello my beloved in the Lord.
First and foremost, I apologize using this medium to reach you for a transa=
ction of this magnitude. I am Mrs. Wendy Jane Williams, from republic of=
Ireland, born in the state of Ohio USA. I am legally married to McCalvey =
Scott Williams, a south Africa citizen born brought up in Switzerland, I l=
ive in Switzerland with my husband for 32 years before we move down to sout=
h Africa in 1985 after my husband retirement in 1974, I am 74 years old by=
the grace of god, I am a new Christian convert, suffering from long time c=
ancer of the breast. All indication from my doctor that my conditions is r=
eally deteriorating and it is quite obvious that i wouldn't live more than =
two months, my dear husband was involved with the January 2000 Kenya airway=
s plane crashed as you can see on the news line web site. africa/6627485.stm. I choose you after viewing your profile =
and i have confident in you because i have prayed. I am willing to donate t=
he sum of $20.5m U.S.Dollars, to the less privileged. May the grace of our =
lord the love of God and the fellowship of God be with you and your family?=
I await urgent reply. You can also contact my Banker on his Private email
. Contact person Ext 110 :MR. Richard Zaki Nkosingi (MD) Head of credit con=
trol and international transfer manager TEL: + 27-83-619 1214 Fax: + 27-8=
6-5717.444 EMAIL: richardznkosingi@gmail. comPlease update me of your commu=
nication with the banker as soon as possible. I count on you; please keep p=
raying for me as I will be praying for you too. Also let the congregation o=
f the church you worship also pray for me.
Remain blessed,Thanks,
Get back to me on (
Mrs. Wendy Jane Williams.