From: AdamsTools Inc. <>
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2015 14:15:10 -0200
Subject: Adams Tools inc. New contact.
To all buddies,
Due to security breech on my server by the Authority and the Threat Intelligence protects organizations designated to track hackers, i have shut down my network and email address has been terminated, i now host my hacking server and operation at Vietnam / Hong Kong so this email address ( is no longer operational so discard and not write me anymore, i am no longer available there. you can contact me at this new email address (adamstierre $$ once i get your mail at this new email address i will give you my private online messenger & ICQ which is now strictly private for you to add me online for all deals please send me a mail and replace the $$ with @.
Meanwhile i will open as soon as possible my new shop. However i am fully available to all my clients, buddies and new buyers & spammers in the game, i shall surely provide and service every one with my new developed tools for your convenient works and email leads bulk sending. whatever you need i got and available for u all personally and please note i not need any jokers writing me, for test u must show ur willingness to deal or purchase tools, to u all that know me i deliver and give test, to new buyer u pay i deliver, if u need to prove my ability i shall prove it of cause. Whatever you need from PERSONAL SMTP, VPN SERVERS, PHP MAILER, SHELL, RDP USA MOST & WORDLWIDE, RANDOM, UK, SPAIN, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY, CPANNEL, CCV, Fresh EMAIL LEADS, LEADS WITH PASSWORD OF ANY COUNTRY, WEBMAIL 500/1000/2000 SENDING UNLIMITED, TELEPHONE NUMBER of any country, payment for site, dating site login info, hacking tools, dumps, ccv, fullz, Bank logins!!!! Any tools at all just contact me and add me at: adamstierre $$
I give you my full guarantee that you will be satisfied and never regret dealing, i will provide you reference of those that have been buying and using my stuff all over Africa. Once you purchase any tools from me not satisfied i change for u instantly, all tools tested before i give and also i guide and instruct u on how to spam or work for better result. If U hope to make dough in spamming then i show u new ways. I help all my guys and teach them how to use new developed tools, also how to install hacking tools etc. ok contact me for serious deal / biz!.
Adams Tools inc.!