From: "Santander Bank UK" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 22:12:38 -0500
Subject: Reply
Dr. Lucas Willmon
Operations/Regional Manager
Santander Bank Plc,
47-48 Piccadilly
London United Kingdom
Hello friend,
I am Dr. Lucas Willmon, from Harlesden North West London, Head of Accountin=
g Audit Department and formal senior programmer manager at Deutsche bank, h=
ere in England (Santander Bank Plc). I also worked for the Newest Ministers=
Bank Plc.
I am writing you about a business proposal that will be of an immense bene=
fit to both of us. In my department, as the only Operations/Regional Manage=
r Branch Manager Santander Bank Plc. I discovered a Sum of (=A321,500,000,0=
0) British Pounds
(Twenty one million Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds) in an account th=
at Belongs to one of our foreign customers
(Late David McDowell Brown) an American citizen of Arlington Virginia, who=
unfortunately lost his life on First February 2003 through the southern Un=
ited States space shuttle Columbia, He died a single man.
The choice of contacting you is aroused from the geographical nature of whe=
re you live, particularly due to the sensitivity of this transaction and th=
e concealment here-in. Our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives t=
o come-up for the claim but nobody has done that and i personally have been=
unsuccessful in locating the relatives, I now seek your consent to present=
you as the next of kin (WILL BENEFICIARY) to the deceased so that the proc=
eeds of this account valued at (=A321,500,000,00) British Pounds can be pai=
d to you. =
Nevertheless, this will be disbursed or shared in these percentages, 50% to=
me and 40% to you while 10% is for any expenses incurred during the transa=
ction. I have secured all necessary legal documents that can be used to bac=
k up this claim we are making.
All i need is to fill in your name(s) to the documents and legalize it in =
the court here to prove you as the legitimate beneficiary.
I require your honest Co-operation, Confidentiality and Trust to enable us=
see this transaction through and i also guarantee you that this will be ex=
ecuted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach=
of the law if you will stand as inheritor of this claim, i shall process t=
he claim in your name. I only require you send your valid identification de=
tails and i will authenticate the claim in your name.
Please provide me the following below, as we have 7 days to run it through.=
This is very URGENT.
1. Full Name:
2. Direct Mobile Number: =
3. Contact Address:
4. Occupation:
5. Age:
6. Gender:
7. Nationality:
Best Regards,
Dr. Lucas Willmon.
Get back to me only on this email id to enable me elaborate more. =