From: Barry Hut <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 19:44:45 +0100
Director Airport Inspection Officer Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Internation=
al Airport 574 Airport South Pkwy Atlanta, GA Good day, Please confirm if y=
ou are the owner of the above name and contact address as the address is wh=
at we have in the Two Metal Trunk Consignment Boxes here in Hartsfield-Jack=
son Atlanta International Airport. I AM MR.WILLSON PERRY Director United Na=
tions Inspection Unit officer Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airp=
ort Atlanta Georgia, working hand in hand with Department of Homeland Secur=
ity and U.S Customs and Border Protection. During our investigation, I disc=
overed an abandoned shipment from a Diplomat from United Kingdom under ship=
forwarder was transferred from JF Kennedy Airport to our facility here in =
Atlanta and when scanned, it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a Meta=
l Trunk Boxes weighing approximately 110kg each. The consignment was abando=
ned because the Content was not properly declared by the consignee as money=
rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid diversion by the Shippi=
ng Agent also the Diplomat inability to pay for Non Inspection Fees. On my =
assumption, each of the boxes will contain more than $1 Million to $1.5 Mil=
lion each and the consignment is still left in storage house till today thr=
ough a registered shipping Company, Courier Dispatch Service Limited a divi=
sion of Tran guard LTD. The Consignment are Two Metal Trunk Boxes with weig=
ht of about 110kg each (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm). Effectiv=
e capacity: 680 L.), approximately The details of the consignment including=
your name, the official documents from United Nation office are tagged on =
the Metal Trunk boxes. I will advice you to provide your Phone Number and Y=
our full address, to cross check if they correspond with the address on the=
official documents. Include the name of your nearest Airport and other det=
ails. You can send the required details to me for onward delivery. All comm=
unication must be held extremely confidential. I can get everything conclud=
ed within 3-4 hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for de=
livery. But I must get assurance from you concerning my 50% before I will p=
roceed. I want us to transact this business and share the money, since the =
shipper has abandoned it and ran away. I will pay for the Non inspection fe=
e and arrange for the boxes to be moved out of this Airport to your address=
, once we are through I will deploy the services of a secured shipping Comp=
any geared to provide the security it needs to your doorstep. Or I can brin=
g it by myself to avoid any more trouble. But I will share it 50% to you an=
d 50% to me. But you have to assure me of my 50%. Therefore I will need a w=
ritten guarantee and a copy of any type of identification of yours on my 50=
% compensation before I can do anything. I wait to hear from you. MR.BARRY =
HUT Director Airport Inspection Officer Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Internat=
ional Airport 574 Airport South Pkwy Atlanta, GA=20