From: "U.S. Department of the Treasury" <scanner@mf.local>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 16:38:42 -0600
Subject: Your Payment File Has been Shortlisted For Final Payment
Dear Beneficiary,
I am Jacob J. Lew, Secretary of the Treasury under the U.S. Department of the Treasury. You can get more details about me here;
At the recently concluded meeting with the World Bank and the United Nations, an agreement was reached between both parties for us to settle all outstanding payments accrued to individuals/corporations with respect to local and overseas
contract payment, debt re-scheduling and outstanding compensation payment.
Fortunately, you have been selected alongside a few other beneficiaries to receive your own payment of $850,000 (Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars only).
We have been notified that you are yet to receive your fund valued at $850,000. This money will now be transferred to your nominated bank account.
You are advised to kindly reply this email with the below details enclosed to help us process your payment;
(1) Full Names:
(2) Residential Address:
(3) Country of Residence:
(4) Age:
(5) Phone/Cell Number:
(6) Occupation:
Yours faithfully,
Jacob J. Lew
Secretary of the Treasury
(U.S. Department of the Treasury)
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